Monday, February 10, 2025
Our God is a good God! His mercies are new everyday. Great
is His faithfulness.
We arrived at the hospital at 5:15 this morning and Tim was
taken back. We were all able to see him at 6:30 to meet with the doctors,
nurses, and team of anesthesiologists before they took him back at 7:00am. They
had to prepare everything, including programming the robot and shaving a line
across the top of his head (so that they would be able to take one of the
layers of his scalp to put a new flap over his clavas bone), and so his surgery
start time got pushed back. We were alerted that surgery began around 9:00am.
Dr. Kasam did the first part of the surgery which included removing the mass.
We were told that it would be 7-8 hours till we would see him again. With
hourly updates, we continued to pray for the doctors.
Afer about three hours, a nurse came to get us to talk with
Dr. Kasam as he was done with his part of the surgery. Dr. Kasam walked in the
room and wanted to know who our prayer monster was. He explained that when they
cut the "tumor" out he said it kind of looked like a grape-size
Cadbury Egg. He is 90% sure that it is just a large amount of mucus that had
built up behind his reconstructed flap from his previous surgery (as Tim will
probably say, a giant booger). He does not think there is any kind of tumor in
the mass. Miracle! That is the only explanation.
They are sending it off to be tested to make sure there is
no tumor in it. That testing will take 7-10 days. They did not have to cut his
scalp, but since part of pre-op was shaving the line, Dr. Kasam said he got a
really cool haircut. The ENT also did not have to do any packing of the carotid
artery as they did not have to expose it during the surgery. They did take fat
from Tim's stomach to fill in and line the clavas bone instead of bulding
another flap. If the testing comes back showing any tumor, we will have to
return to do the later part of the surgery they didn't do today.
We are waiting for them to move Tim to an ICU room where
they will take the breathing tube out. He will stay there tonight. He will be
released tomorrow to go back to the hotel and rest and should be released on
Friday to head home!
We can not thank you all enough for your prayers. We know
that God preformed a miracle, there is no other explanation. May this be a
journey showing God's glory. God is good!
I wanted to share a song that I heard on the radio on the
way to the hospital this morning:\
- Kristen
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