I rarely get political with my blog or The Insider but the
issues on the ballot coming up
are ones I simply can't be silent about. Many of us have prayed and
participated in
actions to see abortion come to an end in our country. I personally never
thought I
would see a reversal of Roe vs Wade in my lifetime, but then we did.
This was an amazing moment, yet all it did practically was send the issue back
to the
states. Now we are faced with the decision. Will abortion be legal in Ohio? As
a state we
have a decision to make and I believe the church can make an impact with our prayers and actions. We believe
life is precious and should be protected from "womb to tomb" as our
Biblically based
Confession of Faith reminds us. Our votes matter on this morally charged
goes beyond abortion.
I would like to wrestle with the other "unwritten" part of issue one, in regards to transgenderism. There is enough ambiguity in the language that "reproductive decisions"could entail so much more. Issue one could allow children to begin chemical and then even surgical procedures to alter their physical bodies in an attempt to change their biological sex (and /or have an abortion)-WITH OUT parental consent.
I preached a sermon last month (Sept. 3 to be exact-watch it here) and then posted it on this blog that shows from a biblical perspective created biological sex can't be altered. Our God-given sexuality determined at a chromosomal level is a beautiful and distinctive gift and a clear reflection of the nature of God.
Voting yes on issue 1 could allow the lie that a person can change their sex to perpetuate itself in tragic ways. Voting no will be an effort to stop the lie and protect children and adults from harmful alterations of their bodies-and hold accountable those who make these things happen.
Then there's issue 2. Simply put it will legalize marijuana
allowing its use and abuse to
run rampant. For decades there have been scientific studies done proving
of this drug. I've provided a few links at the end of this article that present this
research in detail.
But what convinced me was living in Amsterdam. This was a
city where marijuana was
freely used and abused. I was able to see firsthand the cultural carnage this
created. I encountered people on a daily basis whose brains had been fried by
Now 30 years later I am hearing how Amsterdam is
reconsidering it's drug laws in
light of all the people who are suffering the mental and physical effects of
drug abuse.
Voting yes on issue 2 will open the door for this to happen in Ohio.
I would encourage you to vote no and seek to stop the
madness of letting this dangerous drug become a recreational toy for people to
inevitably get hooked on or serve as a gateway drug to what is worse. Friends,
they call it dope for a reason. God wants us to be free of anything that would
enslave us in addiction or destroy our minds and bodies.
As a pastor I have seen and am seeing the effects of these
two issues in and around the
church and the common denominators are pain, sadness, and relational wreckage.
know there are some who believe voting is not what they should do. I believe
it is a
powerful privilege and even a responsibility we have to help guide our society.
This vote is a morally and ethically critical point of decision for our state.
I hope
everyone will prayerfully discern what God would have them to do and in
follow through.
As with every article I'm open to any questions or comments you may have-just
let me
know-and thanks for reading and sharing this article!
Why marijuana is harmful links:
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