The Biblical solution to gender Confusion -sermon text from 090323


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Recently I asked you in a sermon-what makes you curious? I told you how transgenderism makes me curious. Then I actually showed you’d you a trailer from a ritenow media tool on the topic. I had watched that one and then took a deep dive into another resource. This one is called “Identity and Sexuality.” You should check it out.

This is where I heard Dr. Andrew T. Walker (you can look him up later for his credentials if you wish)-he gave a talk titled “Responding to the transgender debate” and it inspired and equipped me to share this message. I’d never heard someone talk about the complex issue of transgenderism and the solution the church can and should offer the world, so clearly. Here’s the point to ponder:

Gender confusion has a solution-seeing our God ordained sexuality as a gift to the world.

I want to be upfront-lots of Andrew’s research overlapped with what I’d heard from other sources and even my own study but he helped me the most-credit where it is due for Andrew. I also would say his primary resource was the Bible, and that will be mine too. The Bible can still give us the answers to our world’s most perplexing questions- so let’s dig in. Now get to the easiest book in the Bible to find: Genesis

Open your bibles to Genesis 1:26 Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground."

27So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.

v.26-27 our sexuality is a reflection of God’s image 

Human sexuality is revealed in creation as male and female-as a reflection of God’s own image. Until we grasp the significance of this we can’t fully understand or appreciate our sexuality. The world views sexuality as a toy or a tool for purely human purposes. God created it as a representation, even manifestation of his image.

Have you ever looked at a kid and said-you look just like your daddy… this is what we should say about others all the time-you look just like God!

In our masculinity and femineity, we get a complete and beautiful picture of God. Utterly complimentary and yet contrasting in nature-as men and women we are little pictures of God. Have you ever had an image of someone fade? In your memory or on paper? Maybe it got lost or deleted on your phone?

We need these pictures of God so we don’t forget him. We are God’s image-little pictures of him. This image of God is a gift! But, it goes much further than that-we are not just show ponies-we have a job to do-and only as men and women can we do it.

28God blessed them and said to them, "Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground."


v.28 We are blessed to be fruitful and powerful.

God calls us to be fruitful and multiply-this is a core calling attached to our sexuality.

Only people can make more people-we are, as male and female distinctly designed to bring more people into the world. Modern science and medicine has improvised and modified the process to some extent, for better and for worse-but there still is no plan B. Men and women are needed to make babies. Talk to your parents for more info on that!

God gave us the ability to create more little pictures of God-rooted in our sexuality. There is a deep need in every child for a mother and a father-I know this sounds so base but from creation, the formula for children has been and always will be a man and a woman. We have been entrusted with this gift no matter what the world may say… but this gift goes beyond reproduction-we are to be fruitful and powerful.

This text not only reveals our sexuality but also our supremacy! Man and woman are placed at the top of the food chain. We are called to rule over the earth-together-as partners in this great endeavor-I love that we rule over roosters, spiders and snakes and other scary creatures.

I know you love your doggy and kitty-and I’ve seen animals train their people well-but people are still to be in charge.  The man and the woman rule supreme over all other creatures. WE alone bear the image of God and have His authority over creation. It’s the distinct yet balanced nature of our sexuality that makes ruling the world possible.

Men and Women are powerful in different ways, this is b/c we are different at a deep level-one that is unchangeable-namely our sexuality. This is what seems to be up for debate. Can men be women and women be men? By created design the answer is no.

 To distort or even discount the value of our God given sexuality as men and women really degrades our image of God and how he wants to be revealed to the world. b/c our created sexuality is a very good thing as we’ll see in v.29-31…

29Then God said, "I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food.

30And to all the beasts of the earth and all the birds of the air and all the creatures that move on the ground-everything that has the breath of life in it-I give every green plant for food." And it was so.

31God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. And there was evening, and there was morning-the sixth day.


v.29-31 You need to know as men and women/boys and girls you are made VERY GOOD!

I love that God gave us the earth as one big salad bar-I’m a fruits and veggy guy. But v. 31 is the kicker-read it again: God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. And there was evening, and there was morning-the sixth day.

I believe it’s good for us to note the distinction between this day and the others. You can go back and look at the end of each day before, and what’s God say-it was good… but then he created and commissioned us and it was good? pretty good? nope-VERY GOOD.

Just think about that-all the wonders of the universe he created-stars and planets, of the earth, oceans and mountains, breath taking right? Then the animal kingdom-the moose, bear, elephant and lion, whale or honey bee-these creature are wow! But it wasn’t till people were created that it was all very good.

As God’s image bearers we have a unique role in creation that can’t be underestimated. As men and women we show the world who God is. This should be celebrated! As men and women we each have God ordained sexuality. This is a very good thing and shouldn’t be altered-mostly b/c it can’t be.

God has created us male and female on a chromosomal level. In high school bio you learn about the XY chromosomes. Our Bibles and biology point to this truth. Science confirms what God designed-males have XY chromosomes females have XX.

 Someone might be thinking but what about… others??? There are those who have “disorders of sexual development” (DSDs) who chromosomal make up varies and they are very rare. If you look up this, the physical issues these folks deal with go far beyond their sexual identity. We should have the utmost compassion for them and seek to help them as we would anyone with a physical disorder.

Jesus even refers to this in Matt. 19:12 where he notes eunuchs. These were men who had Disorders of Sexual Development -if you want to do a Bible study on that verse let me know-it a heavy one! Disorders are part of living in a fallen world-but they are not the original created design. This is an actual physical difference not just a mindset.

The bottom line is this: Jesus was aware of these variations-yet he still affirmed the created pattern of man and woman before that. He affirms God’s very good gift of male and female sexuality.

Now open your bibles to Matt. 19:4-6, Let’s hear the words of Jesus

4"Haven't you read," he replied, "that at the beginning the Creator 'made them male and female,'

5and said, 'For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh' ?

6So they are no longer two, but one. Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate."


Matt.19:4-6 Jesus confirms our created sexuality.

To be clear, the context of this passage is the topic of divorce, but first, Jesus takes us back to the foundation of our God given sexuality-in the beginning. We should not, and in reality, cannot alter our sexuality. Has there been and will there always be disorders and disfunctions-of course. But that doesn’t mean there is not a general order to creation-that involves male and female biological sexes.

Sadly, we have not celebrated enough, our created gift of masculinity and femineity in the church. In fact the church has often been guilty of highlighting the distorted dominance or brokenness of our sexes. The idea that men must always be in charge of everything simply b/c they are men. Or that women are the only ones suitable to care for children, or cooking or cleaning.

This is where the rise of gender comes from. Biological sex is what we are physically. This is the biblical principle that aligns with science. Remember XY chromosomes? But gender is what we THINK we are. This is a social construct that can and has shifted. Gender roles (what we think men and women should or should not do-“that’s women’s work or that’s a man’s job”) is a part of this construct. The difficulty is when sex and gender clash.

What we see today in the transgender movement is the idea that our sexuality can be altered-and even should be altered. Instead of celebrating being a boy or a girl-our created sex is treated like it’s a disorder! Who you (or someone else) thinks you are conflicts with your created bio sex-so the world says change it!

This is not only untrue but harmful as it gives people the illusion that they can change something they can’t. Sadly, there are several loud influencers around who enable this illusion to perpetuate. More sadly is there are medical procedures that are being done to physically alter people-but it’s just changing the wrapper, not what’s inside at the deepest level.    Am I a banana? [to see this illustration watch sermon video at minute 54]

Last night Kaiden gave me this verse after we prayed about this sermon. 1 Corinth 12:18 But in fact God has arranged the parts in the body, every one of them, just as he wanted them to be.  Amen to that!

What is real is what was defined in the DSM-5, that is the manual on mental illness for mental health workers. Gender identity disorder, that is when you think your body sex doesn’t match your brain gender, has now been changed to gender dysphoria. It’s still a disorder but the term has been softened. Why? So it gets normalized.

I want you to think about mental disorders that affect our bodies. Imagine someone with anorexia (when a person believes they are over weight but they are dangerously thin) would we say-embrace that view of your body-you think you are fat so even though you are an 85 lbs 18 year old and 5’7-just keep thinking that-don’t eat-it’s who you are…

I HOPE NO ONE WOULD DO THAT-but people are doing it every day with kids sexuality. Gender identity disorder is real and shouldn’t be normalized.

Gender dysphoria will probably be erased soon. Just as homosexuality was removed in 1973 as a disorder from the DSM. Now that term has been all but erased and replaced with LGBTQ and the disorder is now seen as healthy. Note our Bibles still say homosexuality-and I hope they always will as it is accurate and true. Now I need to give you 3 steps we should take toward a Biblical solution to gender confusion. Jot this down.

This is the first step is understanding that people who struggle with this disorder are not evil but ill. Jesus gives us a clear witness as to how he responded to ill people. He saw them as people not problems. He had compassion on them. And he helped them heal.

Some churches really blew it for the most part with homosexuality. They made it into the worst sin ever. They drove ill and hurting people out and were glad they went. This is a worse sin than homosexuality. It’s called pride and according to the bible that’s the worst sin of all. Again, if you want to do a bible study on that let me know!

Step 2 is to affirm and even celebrate our created sexuality. Tell our boys they are great guys-no matter what they like to do or look like. Boys come in all shapes and sizes. Even though your voice is a little higher or you like to cook with mom in the kitchen-you are a boy and that’s how God created you-VERY GOOD- Boys can grow up to be great chefs!

Tell our girls they are great gals-no matter what they like to do or look like. Girls come in all shapes and sizes. Even though your voice is a little lower or you like to work with dad in the garage-you are a girl and that’s how God created you-VERY GOOD- Girls can grow up to be master mechanics!

We must be careful our own gender bias don’t make our kids question their sexuality or value. Boys and girls can have all sorts of gifts and interests that doesn’t make them less who they are.

I will go out on a limb here-I miss boys club-I ran it as a YP-once a month we did activities with 9-12 year old boys and it was just a riot. We celebrated boy hood and it was beautiful. I did this b/c of the boys club experience I had as a kid.

I never knew how much it meant to me but it helped establish my sexuality as a boy. I even remember Dave Smucker running the BCJamboree which as a massive celebration of boyhood-and we didn’t even know it-but it was. Do we need this today for our boys? If you want to help make this happen-let me know.

The third and last step we can take is to simply know the truth of scripture about our sexuality. There are many text besides the ones I gave you today. Look at the resources I’ve listed on the bulletin. If you want more, I’ve got more to give. This way when God brings a confused, hurting or even ill person to you, you’ll be equipped to give the Biblical solution to gender confusion, perhaps even today-let us pray…

