What are you curious about? (A sermon on getting equipped with the right tools)


What are you curious about?     Acts 2:42 (Grad Sunday)                         060423

I believe one of the greatest strengths we can leverage in our lives is curiosity. Most people know the old cliche the curiosity killed the what? CAT But we are not cats friends! While being curious about the wrong things can indeed lead us down a very dangerous path curiosity about the right things leads us to greater equipping so we can be all God calls us to be.

Jesus knew this and was continually peaking people's curiosity. He spoke in parables and did miracles that people could barely explain or understand. However, it made most ferociously curious about this man and what he was all about. Ultimately it helped many of them follow him passionately-and be curiously equipped at the same time!

Sadly I'm afraid we’ve become less curious in our faith journey-we lose the joy of discovery and we get bored. My hope today is to help you see:                                                   

Godly curiosity is the key to good equipping. (This is your point with the fill in :)

Where do I get this? I like Ephesians 4:11-13 in the NLT that says this: Now these are the gifts Christ gave to the church: the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, and the pastors and teachers. 12 Their responsibility is to equip God’s people to do his work and build up the church, the body of Christ. 13 This will continue until we all come to such unity in our faith and knowledge of God’s Son that we will be mature in the Lord, measuring up to the full and complete standard of Christ.

Look hard at v.12-I’m your pastor so my job is to equip you, so how am I to do it? Let me ask you a question: what are you curious about? I hope you are still a little curious about our mission statement which is what? Let’s read it on your bulletin: “Our church invites you to live a saved life” -but what is the saved life? Each letter in the word saved stands for one element of the saved life.

This is where we go to our Biblical anchor text which sustains our mission statement which is Acts 2:42-47. Let’s just open our Bibles and camp there for a bit. We have already covered the S-which stands for what? …and the A which stands for what? …and last week the V which stands for what? Today we’ll look at the E which is for the equipping element in the word saved, which comes from verse 42 which reads:

 42They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.

We find in this verse people were curious about the apostles teaching, much like they were curious about Jesus-after all, these apostles were Jesus’ body-the church! Now we must understand the apostles teaching was primarily what they remembered and then wrote down in letters about the story of Jesus. This was supported by various Old Testament texts in the light of Jesus and his fulfillment of that covenant.

These teachings are full of Old Testament references and applications for people who are following Jesus.

If you want to know what they were studying just keep the book of Acts open and keep reading. The New Testament was written by these early believers under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit-thus it is the Word of God.

As Christianity spread and grew, more and more people had more and more curiosity and questions and so more teaching and writing continued. And the study of the New and Old testaments increased and were ultimately combined to make the Bible we have today. Curiously seeking God with his people in his Word has continued ever since then.

We are so blessed to live in a time where we can be equipped with so many Biblical resources in so many ways. We have over 2,000 years of collected Jesus oriented resources at our finger tips!

 To be honest when I started this sermon I was completely overwhelmed as to what I could point you to for equipping, because there is just so much. With that said you must know that this is only the tip of the iceberg of equipping. [End of Intro]

You maybe asking, but why do I need equipped to be a follower of Jesus? Anything in life you want to be successful and sustainable at you need to be equipped. If you want to play basketball, you better have the right shoes, a good ball and know the rules-if you want to drive to the west coast you better have a solid vehicle, plenty of money and good directions. The life of faith is the same-you need to have resources to enjoy the task.

But there is also the reality that we have an enemy that wants us to fail-the Bible says in 1 Peter 5:8 that the devil is a roaring lion seeking who he may devour! So equipping has a defensive element to it as well. I’ve heard Christianity described as climbing a mountain. If you try to climb a mountain without the proper equipment you could get hurt or even die-especially if there is an enemy that want to eat you on that mountain! This should all inspire our curiosity to be equipped! On your outline-answer this…

What is a Godly topic you are curious about and want to be equipped in?

I hope to point you in the direction that your curiosity can be both sparked and satisfied for even greater equipping to happen. I would like to highlight three tool boxes where good equipping can be found. [toolbox illu?]  Then give you solid examples of how you can begin to get equipped with each of these even today.

First books, for many years I've been so inspired and equipped by several books I have read and I was curious to see if anyone else could be as well. I began a book based Sunday School class that has run for a few years. The books that we study are all Biblically based and by Christian authors.

If you are curious about what will happen after you die you should read the book “One minute after you die” by Erwin Lutzer. I’ve never read a better, shorter and more biblical book on death and what’s next.

He wrestles with hard issues like the death of a child and suicide.  Are you curious? Why not see if any of your friends are curious and read it together.  [Pass around-take a photo or jot down the title… this is my book so I want it back!!!]

If you can find 2 other people who are curious to join this is called a small group study and anyone can do it. If it happens on a Sunday morning we would call it a Sunday school class. If you say I have no idea how to lead a study I’ll teach you how in about an hour-or you can read the article I just posted on my blog-how to teach a ss class.

If you are curious about anger and why it's such a powerful emotion you should read Gary Chapman's book “Anger-handling a powerful emotion in a healthy way”.  If you are curious about how to deal with sorrow and suffering in life you should read living with thorns by Marianne Folick-it’s the best book I’ve ever read on grief and recovery and I have several copies I can give to those who may be curious. If you are curious about how to win your friends and family to Christ you should read “Walk across the room”  by Bill Hybels-you can see those you love come to Christ-Bill and the Bible show you how!

These are just a few books that have equipped people in mighty ways over the last few years. The full list of books is included in my “how to teach ss” blog post-if you haven't gone it's right here ;)

My desire is to see more individuals and groups be powerfully equipped with these tested resources. Of course the ultimate book for equipping the Christian is the Bible itself.  

I hope you come here every Sunday morning at 10:30 to be equipped by the word of God. The reason I preach is that you can leave here a little better equipped for life and faith as you move into Monday morning and the days to come.

On my last sermon survey that was a strong call for me to preach from The book of Romans. I am preparing for that series and will likely supplement the series with a study of the book. A tested tool that has been used is by Warren Wiersby called “Be right” if you are curious about being right with God please let me know and we can figure out how that study of Romans can come together.

The other way you can be equipped with the Bible is by grabbing the Student Bible that is at the ends of our benches. Just this week some one lead a person to the Lord and they called me to say they needed a Bible-I said come and get it! We have thee best I bible I know of to help a new or more experienced believer in their walk with Jesus-so use them to equip yourself or that person you lead to Jesus!

What is a Godly book you are curious about and want to study?

The next tool box of equipping is videos. We have invested heavily in a resource called right now media. It is available through our website and literally has thousands of hours of excellent teaching on every imaginable topic. If there's a topic you are curious about and it’s not there I can call right now media and ask them to get resources as they are very open to making sure we can be equipped through their tool.

I know several Sunday School classes, small groups and individuals have utilized this resource and I hope many more will in the future.

I’m curious about the whole transgender topic-so I dug into it and here’s one tool I found-check out the trailer…

Transgender Trailer

Curious?  Just go to our website and click on the rightnow media logo.

The other HUGE FREE video tool is The Chosen. Unless you’ve been living in a cave-or just not come to SMC for a couple years you have heard about this series. So artful and impactful. Never have I seen Jesus come to life like in this. Stellar acting, provocative writing and cinematic filming-it’s got it all. If you love someone who doesn’t know Jesus-have them over and watch the first episode-see if they get curious-better yet-pray they do!

Watch the Chosen

The last toolbox for equipping is events. These range from marriage seminars we've actually hosted in our building to off campus events all around us. The two that have been most attended are the leadership summit and the weekend to remember marriage retreat.

Everyone in this room is a leader at some level because we all must lead ourselves. I would bet everyone also has influence over other people as well. This is leadership and we must be equipped to lead well. For many years I've been inspired and equipped by the leadership summit and if you are curious, I would invite you to go this year.  It's at Wooster Grace Church and we have a special deal so let me know if you want to go! There is a poster in your mailbox with all the info you can give to a friend after you register ;)

The weekend to remember is also coming up and if you are married or almost married you should attend this rich event. Few equipping events have more laughter and learning than this retreat so I hope you will consider going. It’s coming to CLE this fall: October 27- October 29, 2023, Friday at 7:00 PM - Sunday at 12:30 PM at the Embassy Suites Cleveland in Independence. All that info is on my blog under the “get equipped for a marvelous marriage post.”

There is also one of the biggest and best Christian music events in the world right in our backyard the alive music festival at Atwood Lake! It’s an amazing time of equipping through music and teaching that happens every summer.

Alive is a 3-day music festival with 3 stages, 50+ artists, beautiful camping & RV sites, a 1,500-acre lake, tasty food and drink, VIP experiences, late night comedy, and so much more. Alive takes place July 13-15, 2023 at Atwood Lake Park in Mineral City, OH.

But here's why you go-Jesus shows up there and people follow Him b/c they were there-get curious!

Alive website

 There are a few people planning to go from SMC, including the youth group,  and if you are curious I think you should go. Just google Alive music festival and you find it.

On that musical note I was recently asked by someone who is in a very difficult health situation about Christian radio. They listen to country music all their life but found that in this hard time it offered very little hope and virtually no faith message to hold on to. Then they stumbled on to a Christian radio station and ask me if I knew of any more? We are so blessed to have so many excellent radio stations that anyone can access for free 24 hours a day 7 days a week.

 I just want to list these in case anyone would be curious 90.9 95.5 102.5 102.7 and 103.3 are all stations that have incredible music and some have solid biblical teaching that everyone can be equipped over the radio-for free :)


Again this is just the tip of the equipping iceberg! But for now I just want you to consider the questions on your out line:

What is a Godly topic you are curious about and want to be equipped in?

Which too will you choose to get equipped with: a book, video, event or other tool?

I commit to getting equipped by this date:

May we all get better equipped to live faithfully, even today, let us pray…



