Lessons Learned Part 1… now let’s apply…


One of the best parts of my job is to hear the stories of people God brings into our church. Most recently I heard the story of someone who's attended only the last couple months. The story has powerful revelations and applications for our lives as a church. I was inspired as the story was told I hope you will be too.  There are at least four distinct parts to this story and I hope you will take in all of them. I believe God is speaking to us and we need to hear his call to wisdom and action.

The person I listened to told me how for the first 30 years of their life they never had a Bible or was invited to church. No youth group, no VBS, nothing. You may think they must have grown up in some foreign country our big city somewhere far away. They didn't. They grew up in Wooster.

 They had unbelieving parents that taught there was no God, drank heavily and worked hard. This person grew well into adulthood with no Christian witness or invitation. I found this shocking and downright disappointing. Here's why: there is no doubt in my mind at one point at school or at work this person rubbed shoulders with Christians who either didn't know or worse didn't care about the lost state of their soul.

There is the possibility that invitations may have been made but they had been forgotten as they had no impact. The story will later inform this challenge even more but for now I would give you this as a test: who are the lost people around you that God may want you to reach? If you don’t know-would you ask God to show you?

Is there someone you have a burden for and are you praying for them? But then are you ready to invite them to our worship in the morning or the evening? Maybe to another activity of the church or even into your home? We often forget the mission field God has called us to is right here, right now.

We should never assume that someone else will reach them. Someone else whose church is bigger, cooler or better equipped to bring in lost people will do it. If you call yourself a Christian and are following Jesus his charge to you is to go and make disciples. Seeing people be saved by the love of Jesus through the physical activity of his body the church.

There is no plan B and no substitutes. This has been the well worn path for 2,000 years. Saved people build relationships with lost people and love them into the church. Thankfully for the person telling the story had a bunch of people do that, and now this person is doing it too and it's beautiful to behold. My hope is that you will do it as well. The next story will illustrate exactly how it can be done.

