A powerful Easter Drama you can be a part of...


The stage can be a powerful tool of ministry, witness and outreach. SMC knows this and utilized this tool years ago when it did dinner theaters. I know we have a great deal of talent and so I've partnered with Sutherland Singenstreu (Gene Keener’s grandson) a local director to put on the classic show, The Other Carpenter.

Several years ago Phyllis Hostetler encouraged me to consider this dramatic production as she had directed it and it had deep impact. I am glad now we have the opportunity to have it happen here. Sutherland has connections with local actors that he can tap to fill the roles but our heart is that SMC would embrace this story and bring it to life.

Along with actors we will need those who can help build a set and assist with costumes. For the actors there will be auditions (see below for info that is also on posters all around SMC). The other helpers I hope will step up with this appeal.

Of course I hope everyone will lift this effort in prayer. We can only do this and have the spiritual impact it can have with God's blessing. I pray God is calling you to be a part of making this happen.


Announcing Auditions for The Other Carpenter

Directed by Sutherland Singenstreu

The Other Carpenter is an Easter drama that will be performed at SMC this April.

Here is a synopsis of the story: As a Jewish family prepares for Passover Dathan and unemployed Carpenter is offered a job. Good news? Hardly. He's asked to build the cross that the “troublemaker” Jesus. will be crucified upon.

He approaches the job in a matter of fact way. He's been there, done that many times before. But his daughter Mirah is distressed at her father's agreement to do the job. She has heard Jesus speak and she believes he's who he claims to be.

After building the cross Dathan feels and uncharacteristic despair over what he's done. But how can Jesus who has died ever forgive the one who made his cross? He can and he does. Mirah goes to Jesus’s tomb where she discovers he has risen from the dead! With great kindness and mercy Jesus reassures her of his love for her family. A heartwarming drama of help and hope.

Auditions are happening on Monday, February 6th here at 7pm in the SMC wing. We are looking for people from age 15 to adult. Rehearsals start the next week and will be on Mondays and Thursdays. Shows will be April 7, 8,9-auditions will include a cold read from the script.

For more information reach out to our director Sutherland at 330-601-7329

(and yes the painting above is another Caravaggio-still one of my favorite painters-next to Lyle Kalina of course ;)

