How do you know when you are hearing God's voice?

I heard Bill Hybel's talk on this at  a Leadership Summit years ago then did the video series-but here is a 5 minute read that gives you the essence of it. A practical teaser for the book "The Power of a whisper"-if you want to study it let me know. I'll likely pitch it to our Sunday School class next...

5 Filters for Testing Your Whispers by Bill Hybels



How we know we are hearing God

Bill Hybels says, “Over the years I have compiled a short list of five filters that help me ‘test every whisper’ I receive. If a whisper fails to make it through one of these five, I question whether the whisper is really from God. At the very least, I move slowly to confirm the whisper’s validity. At other times, a whisper makes it through these filters with no problem. In this case, no matter how confusing, challenging or unsettling a prompting may be, I attempt to obey it.”


Filter #1: Is the Prompting Truly from God?

The first filter is to simply ask God, “Is this message truly from you?” Does it align with the character of God as revealed in Scripture?


Hybels continues, “Whenever you receive a prompting—whether from God directly, or through the lips of another—be sure to test it. Take whatever time is necessary to ask, “God, is this message from you? Does this square with who I know you to be? Is it consistent with your character? Is it aligned with your attributes? Is this you trying to convey something to me, or are there other voices getting into my head?” Before taking a single step to obey the whisper you’ve received, be sure you get the all-clear that the voice you have heard could be from God.”


Filter #2: Is It Scriptural?


[Next, run the prompting through the Scripture filter. Several times a year someone will tell me that the reason their life is in shambles is because God “told” them to do something absurd. “God told me to cheat on my wife.” “God told me to drop out of school with one semester left.” “God told me to quit my job, even though I have four kids to support and no other source of income.”


I can’t tell you how many jobs have been lost, educations have been foregone, marriages have been destroyed, bank accounts have been blown, all because someone felt sanctioned by God to take a particular action. Scripture is replete with examples of how God would behave in any given life situation, and the Example’s name is Jesus Christ. Whenever I sense a prompting from God, I ask myself if I could imagine Jesus taking whatever action I am considering taking. If I can’t envision Jesus following suit, I fear my wires somehow must have gotten crossed.] Bill Hybels


“Check every prompting you receive against the thematic teachings of Scripture. Messages that contradict Scripture are not from God.”


Filter #3: Is It Wise?

[A third filter I use in determining the veracity of various whispers is the general-wisdom test. Jesus was fond of telling his followers to be wise at all times. “Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves,” he says in Matthew 10:16. “Be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.” The entire book of Proverbs is devoted to dissecting wisdom and all her attributes.]


Filter #4: Is It in Tune with Your Own Character?


Okay, on to filter number four. One of my favorite filters for verifying divine direction is what I call the wiring test.


Filter #5 – What Do The People You Most Trust Think About It?


The Bible tells us that there is safety in the multitude of counselors. Ask trusted people to help you determine whether God is speaking – or last night’s pizza!

Summary by Dr. Kenneth Acha

Here's where I found this:
