For those who wish to prayerfully consider this call to action I preached on 081422...
One of the things I love about Jesus is he was always aware
of people's needs and capable of meeting them. I never get tired of reading the
stories of how he fed people. He gave them the fuel that they needed to go on
and he did it by the thousands.
Here’s the point: Jesus met
people’s needs and we should too…
say it with me…
Open your Bibles to Mark 8 and let’s see how Jesus met a
need people had for fuel…
1During those days another large crowd gathered. Since
they had nothing to eat, Jesus called his disciples to him and said,
2"I have compassion for these people; they have
already been with me three days and have nothing to eat.
3If I send them home hungry, they will collapse on the
way, because some of them have come a long distance."
Fill in: v.1-3 Jesus cares about fueling up people.
How would he get people home today?
In Jesus’ day our primary mode of transportation was theses
2 vehicles right here (FEET PIX). Those feet needed fuel and that fuel
was food! But sometimes that food was hard to come by-much like fuel today!
Look at today's gas prices! It makes people weary and there
is a portion of our population that really struggle with making ends meet. They
may need to make choices as to whether they pay the rent or have fuel to get to
work so they can pay the rent-do you see the cycle? They get weary and wonder
if they can go on.
This is a need in our community that we met over the years
thru our gas pantry-at one point 6 different churches helped run and fund
it-personally I pumped ______ gallons of gas and helped _____ people over a __ year
period. It was a good and noble effort but it failed sadly b/c I didn’t follow
Jesus’ model… what do I mean? Look at v.4…
4His disciples answered, "But where in this remote
place can anyone get enough bread to feed them?"
5"How many loaves do you have?" Jesus asked.
"Seven," they replied.
6He told the crowd to sit down on the ground. When he had
taken the seven loaves and given thanks, he broke them and gave them to his
disciples to set before the people, and they did so.
7They had a few small fish as well; he gave thanks for
them also and told the disciples to distribute them.
Jesus can use what he gives us to help.
What do you have to offer?
And just like the hungry people in Jesus's time they didn't
need just food, they needed the love that the food expressed. When we offer fuel,
we also offer love-Faith Fuel would be our outreach to do just that. We would
give people the fuel they need to go on, in Jesus name. This is the essence of
Faith Fuel.
This is where I messed up before. Again, years ago we did the
gas pantry. I regularly had people stop and ask for fuel assistance. So much so,
that I cast the vision amongst our green local churches and had the pastors
pumping gas for people in need. But look close at the end of v.6 and 7-who set
the food before the people? The disciples! It wasn’t just 1 person but the
whole team of his followers! So how does this play out for us?
I would train future
“pumpers” and they would be given a form that includes asking how else we can
help and what we can pray about. Jesus met physical needs along with spiritual
needs and we can too. I know there is a great need for assistance with fuel and
that can be the bridge to outreach and relationship.
Let me cast this vision as clearly as I can. (FUEL PIX)
I would like to seek out individuals who have a heart to help people in Jesus
name, can drive, buy fuel and willing to be accountable. If that’s you call,
text or email me in the next 24 hours so we can get you ready to fill people up
with the love of Jesus with Faith Fuel. You will need about 1 hour of training which
will be arranged when you reach out to me.
Here's the result of sharing the love of Jesus with people…
8The people ate and were satisfied. Afterward the
disciples picked up seven basketfuls of broken pieces that were left over.
Fill in: v.8 Jesus can supply our needs as we supply others.
Will you give fuel in Jesus name?
How is your reading comprehension and retention today? How
many loaves did they start with? Was it baskets? No, it was loaves-here’s the
boost-they ended up with more than they started with-7 BASKETS! (BREAD PIX)
I thought maybe I’d get an Amen maybe even a Halleluiah-this
is Jesus’ way of providing-he will give you more than you need and often can
even imagine. Anybody had that happen?
It reminds me of that Maverick city song Jireh-they sing the
words “more than you ask hope or imagine… more than enough!” This is the generous provision, I and so many
of you have received-more than enough! Think of the food in your frig, the
clothes in your closet, the stuff in your basement or garage-MORE THAN ENOUGH!
So here is where you just might be thinking, I’d like to
give this a try-be part of the Faith Fuel outreach-but who’s gonna pay for this
As part of your training I’ll show you the form you’ll have
to get reimbursed and we will use our compassion fund as we usually do. Unless
you just want to give it from the plenty you already have. The more than enough
God has already given you-it’s up to you. I have experienced this personally
and never forgot it!
I remember when I was a part time youth pastor, living on my
own and I pulled into a gas station one day and before I could get out I heard
the squeak of my Yugo (YUGO PIX) gas cap open and I looked back and a dear
man from my church was pumping fuel into my tank! I jumped out of my car and
said “hey what are you doing-you can’t do that-… “ and he just smiled and said “too
late I’m blessing you-don’t take away my blessing!”
We must remember Jesus’ words: it’s more blessed to give
than to receive. When you engage in giving to those in need, just like the
disciples did, you too will find Jesus will bless you even more abundantly.
What if we could actually meet peoples need in ways beyond
just fuel? I remember one time I filled up a car for a lady and then asked if
there was any other needs I could help with and she looked me in the eyes and
said do you really want to know? And I said yes… (the get my kids back story)
People in Jesus day were often weary and needed fuel. And
they still are-who is ready to give them the fuel they need faithfully?! Let us pray…
Lord in this small way we can help people like we have in the
past-but better. Raise up workers for the harvest to love and give in your name
b/c you have given so much to us let us share that abundance with others… IJNA
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