Should we stay on the radio?

Insider Radio Friends,

What an adventure we have been on since January! Thank you so much for your prayerful support! I’ve gotten A LOT of feedback since being on FM. The other day I had a guy come up to me at a basketball game and say he heard our program while feeding the cows and thanked me. A listener from Kidron called the church office and shared this:

“We have heard you preach on WQKT two times, last week was by accident.  We usually listen to WQKT and WCRF for the news.  We are anxious to hear your messages again.  We think this is a wonderful outreach and like how you are offering a Bible and reading (outline) to follow.  Just wanted to give you a call to encourage what you are doing.”

Another listener left this message:

“I’ve been listening and these messages are helping to change my life, thank you.”

Friends I don’t get these kinds of messages every day-but when I do it makes me wonder-how many people are we reaching and even more so, how many more could we if we stay on?

I shared the other Sunday before I preached at SMC, on the radio that morning a song played right before I preached, “I’ll just sit right here and have another beer in Mexico” and then another went like this, “Sweet darlin there ain’t no gettin over me”-I LOVE THIS!

 Here’s why: most people who listen to Christian radio ARE CHRISTIANS. I don’t know any non-Christians that listen to Christian radio-so what do they listen to? Secular radio! That is what 104.5 is, yet they continue to let us be on?! God has opened the door.

Here’s the bottom line: WQKT just offered us another 6 months on the air. At $250/week that’s $6500. They want to know by mid-March if we want to stay on. I feel led to let our listeners know the broad cast will end unless support is raised for another 6 months. With God’s blessing, your prayerful and financial support, we have gone this far and I want to say thank you again. If this is as far as we go, it’s been a great experience!

But if you want to stay on another 6 months, let me know what you would want to invest. I will be tallying all the support over the next couple weeks and let you know where we stand. I would feel that if the Lord supplies 6 months support, I would continue, otherwise I would end our radio time on Easter Sunday (One year since we first were on the radio!).

Let me know if you have any thoughts or questions and know that I value your input!


Todd D. Martin




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