Why I love American Elections


Why I love American Elections

The other day I was out doing one of my favorite pastimes-treasure hunting-in our local Goodwill and I ran into a couple SMCers. After exchanging pleasantries about the trrasures they found and how we are doing health wise the conversation turned to the election. They expressed concerns and even fears that this election will be tragic.

They talked about the deep divisions between parties, people and even the country itself. They said we might be on the verge of civil war or revolution. I acknowledged their expressions but then I shared with them what I love about our election process. Every 4 years in our country we get to say who we want as our leader and this is a beautiful freedom.

For instance, I love when I see a Biden sign in the yard of a person who lives right next to a person with a Trump sign. I know they are both passionate about their choice. But I also know that after the election the signs come out and they go on being neighbors.

At that point these SMCers reflected that their own neighbor has a Biden sign in his yard. And though they don’t see eye to eye politically, when his wife died they took a meal to him. They still do kind things for each other because they are neighbors. This is perfectly illustrates a truth Jesus gave us long ago as a command in Mark 12:31 “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Our election can illuminate this command!

That is my prayer for the post-election season. That we can love across party lines regardless who wins-the command still stands. This command undergirds our process. In my travels through Central America, Asia and Europe I’ve seen the tragic consequences of when a country can’t have a peaceful transfer of power. There is blood in the streets, chaos among the people and violence that often ends in military action and death. This is not the way of Jesus.

We have a powerful and for the most part peaceful process for leadership change in our nation-never take it for granted. Though it is powerful it is delicate. Voting is an important privilege we share-but it is nothing compared to prayer. Whether you vote or not as a follower of Jesus you are called to pray.

In this post-election season I would implore you to pray for our nation and the peaceful transfer of power. Knowing all the while that peace boils down to how we treat our own neighbors and how even in times of tension we must love. May God help us to be faithful!
