Dear SMC, 5/28/20
After much prayerful discernment the Council and Elders have affirmed guidelines and a projected date to reopen for worship in our building again. This has been a difficult time of separation for us as a church family. The tie of fellowship that binds us together has been tested over the last few months. We pray that as those who feel safe to reconnect in person will be able to do so with joy on June 7th.
There will be things that will remain the same:
Where-SMC sanctuary and wing
When of Worship-10:30am
WHO we worship-that is Jesus Christ
As always, changes are a challenge for everyone and are clearly outlined in the guidelines that you have received with this letter. Our gatherings will be a work in progress as we strive to make our time as meaningful as possible. This will also be balanced with a desire to make our time as safe as possible for everyone.
Pray for all who have a part in making our worship happen and please give us grace as we move forward together. To those who for any reason do not feel safe to return on June 7, you have our blessing and love. We respect your choice and hope that you stay connected through our many ongoing channels of communication. Please let us know if there are other ways we can stay connected to you. We look forward to the day you can return.
Like it or not we have all been on an adventure we never dreamed of even 5 months ago. Many of us had high hopes of what God was going to do in the special year of 2020. Some of those hopes have been dashed and we want to grieve those. Yet half of this year remains and I have no doubt God has more in store to grow us in his likeness. My prayer is that we can give grace and space, filled with love as we move forward together.
May God continue to bless this family that is SMC! Todd
“Welcome Back, SMC” Worship Services Guidelines
Below are guidelines we would expect everyone to follow as we begin to hold services at SMC again:
Encourage everyone to offer love, respect, grace and space to those with different views and approaches to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Those 65 years old and up or individuals with compromised immune systems are encouraged to not attend at this time.
People who feel sick (even with mild symptoms) or who feel unsafe to be in groups should not attend at this time.
One worship service will be offered at 10:30am with two spaces being utilized, the sanctuary and the youth wing.
o Social distancing with 6 feet between family units will be necessary for both spaces.
o No physical contact should take place with those outside of your family unit.
o Every other pew in the sanctuary will be roped off to space people out making sure that attendees are staggered throughout the sanctuary.
o The sanctuary balcony will be open with social distancing in place and the front pew will be closed.
o In the youth wing, tape will be placed on the floor in 6-foot increments to help with social distancing.
o The youth wing mezzanine will be closed except for sound/multimedia crew.
o Doors to the sanctuary and the youth wing will be propped open.
Restrooms, adult and children’s libraries, the nursery and mothers’ rooms (for changing diapers and feeding only) are open. All other rooms are closed and off limits.
No Sunday school for all ages.
No children’s church.
No coffee hour or food gatherings.
No hymnals, songbooks, or bulletins.
No children’s busy bags.
Corporate singing will be paused for the first three Sundays in June.
Only the main entrance, the west office entrance and youth wing entrance will be used.
o Doors will be propped open.
Masks are encouraged to be worn.
Hand sanitizer and temperature stations will be made available for people to self-regulate.
There will be a receptacle set up for tithes and offerings to be deposited.
People should spend their socially distanced social time outside of the building.
The sanctuary, foyer, hallways, restrooms, and youth wing will be thoroughly disinfected between Sundays.
Updated: 5.28.2020
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