Fast Focus
Not to be confused with thee worst automotive decision of my
life (2012 Ford Focus) this article is about the spiritual discipline of
fasting. At this moment a number of you are engaged in this ancient practice on
behalf of Lois Greenbank and Rita Wenger. Some of you are very familiar with
this, have read extensively and know the how to do it and why fasting is
important. I would be glad to publish any insights or helpful experiences you
may have to share in our blog after this one. Send me your fasting testamonies!
Over the years I have called SMC to fast for individuals and
families who are facing all sorts of challenges. The public fasts usually run
for 40 days and people are encouraged to sign up for a day or more as they feel
led. I was fairly certain I’d written about this before but when I searched
past articles I found nothing-so let me give a little “just so you know” on
fasting-starting with the “why” we fast.
First, it’s Biblical.
Fasting is practiced by many people throughout the Bible. Heros like Moses (Duet.9:9), David (2 Sam. 12:6),
Paul and Barnabas (Acts:1-3) and Jesus himself (Matt 4:1-2) fasted. So you are
in good company when you fast. We even see a pagan king and his people fasting
in Jonah 3:6-7. In the Bible fasting
helps people focus on God and that’s always a good thing. Fasting also
happens in times of crisis. This gives us a clue and a tool as to how people in
the Bible made it through the tough times. Fasting sharpens our spiritual
sensitivity and discernment which leads to my next point.
Second, it’s beneficial.
Beyond those already mentioned you can look up all sorts of health related info
on fasting and how it can help physically. One of the enduring surprises I
experience when I fast is how good I feel physically. In our culture food is
worshipped. We’re led to believe we need to eat as much as possible as often as
possible to be satisfied. It’s just not true. Food is good and God gives it to us, but, like all good things it can
become an idol. Fasting breaks the power of food and that is good for your
body and soul.
Third it’s a blessing. We fast to get closer to God. We push
food out of the way and say instead of eating I’m going to focus on God. You
instantly have 3 built in times a day you can focus on God. Instead of eating meals of food you feast on
His presence. God can give a blessing to those who fast. Daniel fasted and
received the blessing of wisdom, Esther got courage, the king and people of
Nineveh got mercy-what do you need? Are you seeking a blessing from God? Why
not add fasting to your prayers and see what happens.
So how do you do it? Interestingly fasting starts with what
you don’t do-which is eating. Let me just say here, there are those who for
health reason (directed by their doctors) that need to eat. If that’s you
alternate fasting can be done and is just as effective-as at it’s essence fasting
is just abstaining from something important to focus on something more
important. Fast from social media, TV, music, whatever you do regularly
that is important, you can fast from. But then you also need to do something in
place of what you are not doing. Prayer and reading the Bible are excellent
substitutes to fill the void.
Meditation is combining the two-take a verse, perhaps one
that relates to your need, and meditate on it. Pray this verse back to God.
Personalize it. Journal about it. Attempt to memorize it. There needs to be a
God focused activity in place of what you are fasting from. Otherwise you will
fill the time with other stuff.
Distraction is of the devil and the devil hate when people fast so he will seek
to distract you in any way possible.
A simple way to start is to fast 24 hours, supper to supper.
This way a good chunk of your fast is when you are sleeping. Eat a lighter
veggy based supper then begin your fast-no bed time snack just go to bed at bed
time. Get up in the morning thanking God for the chance to fast and asking for
His strength to carry you through. Pray and read for breakfast. Drink lots of
water and perhaps some fruit juices. Avoid caffeinated drinks and dairy.
Pray and read for lunch-being sensitive to your body’s
complaints about not being fed-drink water and the growling stomach usually is
pacified, mint tea does the trick too. Move through the rest of the day until
you hit the 24 hour mark and enjoy another light veggy based supper-it will
taste great! Thank God for the gift of fasting and food! You might be surprised
how well you sleep that night.
Your next level would be 36 hours-just skip supper after 24
hours and eat breakfast the next day. This is my most common fast and makes me
feel clean physically and spiritually.
Beyond 36 hours you can extend as long
as you feel the Lord would lead you. I’ve known people to do 40 day fasts. If
you are an adult in reasonable health there is no reason you couldn’t fast up
to 40 days-unless your Dr. says don’t do it. It’s generally believed that
actual starvation begins around the 40 day mark so I would not go beyond that.
We know Jesus fasted for 40 days and was all the better for it-I hope to do a
40 day some day-what about you?
This article got a lot longer than I thought it would, so I will
end here by saying if there are any questions or wisdom you would like to share
let me know. Now go fast!
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