Someone just asked me this week-what are we doing for the
winter intensive? I said G-90. What is that? Every January for the last 9 years
a group of dedicated Bible lovers, truth seekers and theological questioners
have gathered around the fire place at SMC for what I affectionately call our
winter Bible intensive (WBI). We’ve read every book in the Bible-in fact, we
did it all the first year (the B-90 a program that challenged us to read the
entire bible in 90 days, this was one of thee greatest challenges of my
life-and those that completed it with me have their picture hanging on my office
wall-what a trip!).
After that we decided
while that 90 day 1000 plus page biblical blitz had it’s value-a little slower
pace over a little less material would be even better. We wanted to study more
and read less, take time to discuss each chapter and verse-instead of rapidly
cover books at a time each week as sometimes happened. So our next WBI was
G-90, that is the Gospels in 90 days.
This journey focused us on Jesus, right after
Christmas-which was a great time to continue the story and then have it end
right around Easter. 90 days boils down to a chapter a day-a very readable amount
for anyone. 5 to 10 minutes a day to thoughtfully read and observe what God
might be saying to you through His word. I believe we encounter Jesus most
powerfully as we read about Him together.
This year I’m challenging everyone to do the G-90. I will be
preaching from those texts from Jan. thru April of 2020, our WBI will meet
every Sunday night, and every small group, Bible study or Sunday school class
that wants to use the materials will be able to. Jesus is the center of our faith, He is the ultimate answer to all of our
questions and to whom we hold our highest allegiance.
It is of the greatest
importance that we know what he said and did and our greatest source is the
Gospels. So let’s read Matthew, Mark, Luke and John together this winter with
fresh eyes and ears, with open minds and hearts to let the Spirit reveal
Himself in our study-and be changed more and more into the likeness of Jesus!
PS I will be reading the Gospel in the New Living
Translation, a favorite version of the great preacher Chuck Swindoll-join me
reading the NLT and let me know what you think. I’m still on my quest for a new
preaching and teaching text and your input will help me discern.
PSS A word about the art work:
The Encounter painting by Daniel Cariola, located in Magdala,
portrays one of the most significant miracles in the gospel:
"...because she thought, ´If I just touch his
clothes, I will be healed.´ Immediately her bleeding stopped and she felt in
her body that she was freed from her suffering." (Mark 5, 28-29)
This is a powerful piece that I experienced in the Holy Land
by the Sea of Galilee.
To purchase this print go to:
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