Why not surrender?


                                                                Why not surrender?

17Then Jeremiah said… 'If you surrender… your life will be spared and this city will not be burned down; you and your family will live.

18But if you will not surrender… this city will be handed over… and they will burn it down; you yourself will not escape from their hands.' "

-Jeremiah 38 

I do not like to enter into discussions about geopolitical issues and especially war. I'm no expert. But as I pray about the conflict in the Holy Land one thought continues to come to mind. I know there is a constant call for an Israeli ceasefire but why is there never a call for Hamas to surrender?

 Hamas is the governing authority in Gaza and they would have the power to surrender and end the conflict. This never is brought up. I wonder why that is? I wonder why after seeing all the devastation and death that has been brought upon that land why wouldn’t they surrender?

What are they still trying to hold on to? I know this is not the politically correct question to ask but I simply must ask it. When I think about what happened in Japan after the atomic bomb was dropped the Japanese government realized that level of destruction must stop and they surrendered.

Doesn’t Hamas see what is happening? Are they really committed to sacrificing the lives of so many people in the name of their war. This is just a question that needs to be asked-so I’m asking it-why isn’t Hamas being pressed by the world to surrender?

This article from the Washington post states this question even better:



