Lessons learned part 2… boldness required!


In lessons learned part 1 I shared the story of a local person who grew up either untouched or unimpacted by the churches who represent the Christians in our area. It should have served as a wake-up call to make you wonder who are the lost people around you that God may want to call to himself through you.

In today's lesson I will share the story of a bold person who reached out and who can serve as perhaps a controversial but solid example of tenacious witnessing. Now back to our story.

The individual I had spoken about entered adulthood and had a rough go of it. Several poor decisions and the consequences of them took their toll but this person found themselves in a sustainable situation. They had a job and a place to live but still wondered about their purpose in life and all the pain they had endured.

It was at that point that their landlord reached out and invited them to worship. The individual flatly rejected the invitation. Now it's at that point that our 21st century political correctness would inform us that we have done our duty and we shouldn't be one of those pushy Christians.

Thankfully the landlord did not buy that lie but rather stayed in tune with the Spirit and looked for other opportunities to invite which they did. Make no mistake this was an irritation to the renter but when they realized the invitations would continue they finally said “if I come one time would you leave me alone” and the landlord said yes.

Please understand I believe the landlord was taking cues from the Holy Spirit and not an attitude of being obnoxious. There is a very Fine line between the two but I believe if we are going to make an impact in the current culture we must walk that line very carefully and very prayerfully. And so the individual consented to going to church but then was faced with the primary question that I've heard so many people encounter with great fear: what should I wear? They were assured casual attire would be fine and they committed to attending.

 I think I will stop the story right there and ask us to consider deeply who we need to be bold with? Is there someone the Lord brought to mind as you read part 1 now is he telling you to be bold and even relentless in your pursuit of bringing them to Christ which almost always involves bringing them into the church? In part 3 we will talk in detail about what that means but for now I just want you to pray for boldness and wisdom for who God wants you to pursue.
