Cara's excellent sermon from Mother's Day 2023...

Sister Cara Boney shared her heart and soul in this message-she followed this word with a very meaningful time of anointing. It reminded me of the time Jesus himself was anointed by a woman who deeply loved Him who's story is still told to his day in her memory. (Matthew 26:6–13; Mark 14:3–9; Luke 7:36–50; John 12:1–8) I believe Cara has her same spirit. To watch this click HERE 

A Mothers LOVE for Jesus 

Good morning Everyone, Happy Mother’s Day! I am glad you all are here today! Last week Todd talked about adventure and stepping out of your comfort zone. Today I am stepping out of my comfort zone. First, I sat in a different pew I know it is not far from the one I normally sit in almost every Sunday, but I got to sit next to some amazing people! I am also stepping out of my comfort zone standing up here in front of all of you today. Now I have no issue with talking anyone who knows me knows I can talk an ear off, thanks to my wonderful mother in law Velma

Shetler. I will get to that story later. To stand up here is out of my comfort zone but God gave me a message I would love to share with all of you.  

I have a confession I would like to share with you. Mother’s Day is not my favorite Day. In fact, most years I like to avoid it all together since the passing of my mother. This year I was hoping it would be different I was hoping to find joy and let God hold the Greif I carry so strongly. When Todd had asked me if I would like to preach the Mother’s Day Sermon, I was excited. Then came time to write it. It was not as easy as the sermon I preached in February at CampFire. I struggled to find the words for a week and a half. I even had

friends over and they asked my Echo Dot Alexa what I should write my Mother’s Day Sermon on. IT DIDN’T REALLY WORK EITHER. I began praying I asked God to take the pain and to let his words come to me so that I may deliver his message to all of you and that is when I was finally able to write. 

I want to talk to you today about the importance of mother’s in our lives, and the sacrifices they make. How they shape us into the people we are today! Mother’s play a crucial role in shaping who we are today. They are often the ones who teach us our first lessons about love, Kindness, and compassion. They are our first teachers, our first protectors, our source of comfort when we are upset and afraid.

Proverbs 22:6

“Trian up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.”

Mothers help instill important values in us such as honesty, integrity, and hard work. They encourage us to pursue our passion and to never give up on our dreams. They are often the one who teach us how to be resilient in the face of  adversity and how to overcome challenges 

Deuteronomy 6:4-7

4 Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one.[a] 5

Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all

your soul and with all your strength. 6

These commandments that I give you today are to be on your

hearts. 7 Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.

These emphasize the import rules that mothers play in shaping the lives of their children and the importance of following God. As mothers we make many sacrifices for our children. Think of some of the Godly Mothers in the bible 

 Think of the story of Moses when he was a baby. His mother placed him in a basket and set him in the Nile River to protect him from Pharaoh’s decree, that all Hebrew baby boys will be killed. This act of sacrifice led Moses to be raised by Pharaoh’s daughter and become the leader of the Israelites.

 Another example is the mother of Samson who was visited by an angel of the lord and told that she would give birth to a son who would be a great leader of Israel. She was instructed to raise him as a Nazirite. Which meant he was to abstain from wine, avoid contact with dead bodies and never cut his hair. Samson’s mother Faithfully followed these instructions, and her sacrifice helped to raise up a powerful leader for Israel. Samson’s mother was a faithful mother yet, Samson made the choice to follow his own instincts rather than his family’s faith and humility before God.

 Most well-known is Hannah, the mother of Samuel. Hannah was unable to have children for many years, but she prayed passionately to God for a Son, promising to dedicate him to the Lord’s service. God answered her prayers, and she gave birth to Samuel, who went on to become one of the greatest Prophets in Israel’s history.

 Elizabeth the mother of John the Baptist. Elizabeth was also unable to have children for many years, but God miraculously allowed her to conceive a son in her old age. Like Hannah Elizabeth was a woman of great faith and devotion to God, and she raised her son to be a bold and courageous Prophet who prepared the way for the coming of Jesus.

 My Favorite mother in the bible Mary the Mother of Jesus. Mary was Chosen by God to be the mother of the Savoir of the world, and she accepted this calling with humility and grace. She raised Jesus to be a man of great wisdom, compassion, and love, and she stood by him throughout his life, even to the point of watching him die on the cross.

 These women, and many others like them, serve as examples of the faith and devotion to God, and the important role that mothers play in shaping the lives of their children.

What is an example of your mother showing God’s Love? Would anyone like to share a sweet brief memory of their mother showing God’s Love?

My favorite memory of my mom showing love for Jesus was after I had Kaidyn. She was growing closer to God. She told me how proud she was of me as a mother and wanted me to continue to grow my faith. She never went to church but knew I loved coming here. She asked me never to move back to warren for I would not be happy there. For her to say that meant so much to me because I know how much she wanted me to move back closer to her.

  I would like to share a story with you about a younger me. My childhood was not easy. I became a mother figure to my 3 siblings when I was 4. My mother was a single mom with 4 children and was trying to do everything she could to provide for our family. She worked long days, so we did not get to see her much. I learned how to do things quick like cleaning the house daily and making sure dinner was done and the kids were put to bed. We moved around a lot and often did not have one of the utilities on. There was even a time we were homeless.

I saw my mom struggle I saw her cry and often say I cannot do this anymore. Even though she would say those things she never gave up. At age 9 I got a job (working at the IX Center, Trumbull County Fair, Canfield Fair and babysitting 7 kids) I wanted to do everything I could to help my mom. To make sure there was food on the table utilities stayed on.

I helped with school clothes and school supplies making sure my siblings had everything they needed before I had my own stuff, so my mom did not have to be the only one to give up things too. When I was 16, I started working at a drive-in movie theater. I would be able to do it after school and still be able to help though walking home 2 miles at 2am from getting off work was not fun, but I knew I could not give up! 

My mom thanked me for always being there for her when things got hard. I know no parent likes to take money from their child or ask for help. I just knew I did not want to see her cry or to hurt. She was truly grateful for the help! I am grateful for my mother even though we had hard times in life and growing up was not easy and not having much it has made me value things in life so much more and to never take anything you have for granted.

 I had my first child when I was 18 Logan, most of you know him as an old wise soul. My whole life was changed for the better. I moved 81 miles away from everything I knew to give my children a better life. I started coming to Smithville Mennonite Church! I found Jesus! I married my best friend. 

I knew I wanted Jesus to be the center of my world. I wanted my family to know and love Jesus and know that he died for us! Even through hard times Jesus never gave up on me. Even during dark times, I lost my mom April 28th of 2016. I do not know why she had to leave so soon. She will always be missed. 

I never blamed God I only drew closer to him and on October 23, 2016 I was baptized. With God and with my church family and friends and family I got through those hard times. I am so glad to be here with all of you. There are so many Godly mothers here and in heaven who have shaped me into the woman and mother I am today!

There are so many of you that I look up too and I am thankful to have you loving mothers in my life! I was so engulfed by all my Godly mothers that I wrote about them. They will be in my original sermon if you would like to read about them go to Todd’s blog and it will be posted on there. I will be adding as I go because there are so many of you, I am so thankful for!


I know today can be hard and challenging for a lot of people. Whether a mother who is grieving the loss a child, struggled or struggling to conceive, grieving the loss of your mother, being a chosen mom, a foster mom, an adoptive mother, a step mom, grandmothers and great grandmothers that have stepped up to be a mom, or those with a strain relationship with their mom. It is easy for some to feel left behind today. Mother’s Day means many different  things to different people. It is important to be careful with your words to make sure you are supportive to everyone.

Happy Mother’s Day to all of you and know that you are not alone. For God is with you wherever you go!

Thank you!


































Velma Myers my amazing mother in law helped me find my voice from sitting in a dark room in her living room playing on my phone to being a social butterfly and never stop talking! Velma has shown me God’s Grace and love. To never give up when life gets hard. To Let Go and Let God! To find love in people ever though you do not agree with them. I truly look up to her and she has been a Godly mother to me!


Rebecca Martin my Spiritual mother and friend. When I was at my lowest you pulled me out of a very dark time with music and encouraging me to go to the trauma healing classes. It changed me for the better. Always being there when I need to vent or a shoulder to cry on and when I need advice.  You have been a huge support in my life, and I am grateful and look up to you.


Mennonite Woman's Group, there are so many of you that have shaped me into the woman I am today.  Teaching me things I can do in everyday life and what we can do to help others. I am truly grateful for each and every one of you!



 There are so many of you that I look up too and I am thankful to have you loving mothers in my life!


I will continue to add to this list or send cards to you because there are so many of you who have helped me become the woman and mother I am today!
