Rebecca Martin's second album CHOOSE -here's the lyrics...

My dear wife released her second album-and it's amazing! LISTEN HERE

Here's the lyrics if you want to sing along...

 Still the one (Old Love)  Rebecca Martin

Verse 1: 

A million memories are our alone

So many highs & lows- oh how we’ve both grown!   

The future lays before us, the past is what defined us

There’s no one else I’d rather do my life with


Take my hand again as we walk this road

Remember the love we promised years ago

Through all the trials and tears we’ve grown

I still chose you now, just as I choose you then.


You still make me laugh, you can also make me cry

But you’re still the one I want to hold me til I die

When I think of my life, I can’t imagine it without you

I still do mean those vows I said to you

Verse 2:

I thought I knew back then what the future held

And I was sure our life would be perfect til the end

But our story is much different than we ever imagined 

But there’s no one else I’d rather do my life with

FAITHFUL Rebecca Martin

Verse 1 

Lord you have freed me from my fears

Dried my eyes from endless tears

You have been faithful through it all

You catch me when I fall    

By my side You are my guide


You are faithful, always faithful

I never have to fear when I’m with You

You’ve been there for me- thru my story

You are the one who always gets me through

Verse 2:

Throughout my life you’ve remained true

Despite how often I’ve denied You

Your presence is so near, I have no need to fear

You’re always by my side


I’ve traveled the world, Yet never found the end of your grace for me

Seen places far & wide yet never been where you are not there

I’ve run away from, You yet never found the end of Your grace for me

Denied & turned away yet you remain faithful to me. 

           Courageous Heart by Rebecca Martin

Bringer of Light   Bringer of Hope

You fill our life with joy & laughter 

All your days  you bring your praise to our maker alone

Bringer of right, bringer of truth

You fill our life with great adventure

All your days you bring your praise to our maker alone


Courageous heart, you are a friend to many

Gift of God, brave & true you will remain to your dying day

Your life is blessed beyond measure 

The hand of God is on your life

No one can take your joy 

As long as you continue to praise your God


Bringer of joy, bringer of good

You show compassion to the ones who need the most

All of your days please bring your praise to Him alone

Bringer of love, bringer of courage

Your heart is full of love & passion for our God

All of your days, please bring your praise to Him alone

WORTHY           Rebecca Martin

We worship cause He’s worthy, not because of our own worth

We worship cause He’s gracious not because we are good

We worship with our praise & we can worship with our pain

Our focus is on You, Lord   You can free me from my chains

God You’re worthy, No matter what we say

Lord, You’re loving, no matter what we do

God You’re holy, You call us to much more

Here & now we declare You are the Lord of us all

                        Brand plucked from the Fire       Rebecca Martin      

Verse 1: 

Today I saw a house exploded from inside out

Destroyed belongings left as they were in the moment of destruction 

Charred & damaged-  No use anymore

Months this house has sat the 2 ends complete 

The middle gone. Windows blown out 

The inside burned up. Not torn down yet not rebuilt


Build strong,  Build well for the world will try to tear you down

Stand strong, Choose well, Do right all your days

For the time is coming & the trial is here

Your world is exploding- the end is near

The choices you make will determine the outcome

What will stand, What will last of what you’ve built? 

Verse 2:

Today I heard of a life exploded from inside out

Destroyed relationships left as they were 

In that moment of destruction damaged & gone.

Months this soul has grieved

 Going on with life as if nothing had happened 

Yet inside they’re torn & shattered 

No direction on how to move forward


Like a brand pulled from the fire

Charred & changed are you

Let the impact of your life

Leave a lasting mark around you

Lead us, Guide us    Rebecca Martin

Verse 1:   

Lead us to the one (your son)     Lead us to your heart

Lead us through the trials and the pain

Guide us in Your ways    Guide us to Your truth

Guide us all the days of our lives

Chorus 1: 

May we choose to show forgiveness 

Even when it is so hard

May we choose to extend kindness 

Even when they break our heart

Verse 2: 

Lead us to Your truth   Lead us to Your purpose

Lead us to follow Your way all our days

Guide us in Your love     Guide us in compassion

Guide us with Your word all our ways

Chorus 2:

May we choose to love our neighbor 

Even when we disagree

May we choose to obey Your way 

Even when our hearts are grieved

                            Forgiveness              Rebecca Martin

Verse 1:

When hearts that were hard are now softened

And walls that were built are now broken

Tears left uncried now stream down your face

Let love and grace and peace enter in


Forgiveness when you’ve been hurt is a hard price to pay

The hurt is deep & the pain is real. Let it go, let them go

Verse 2: 

Prayers left unsaid are now spoken

Eyes that were closed are now open

Doors that were shut now swing wide open

As love and grace and peace enter in.


Bitterness held in like a bottle under pressure

It’s only a matter of time before it bursts

Let the offenses go and let peace enter in

Let your enemy go and you release yourself too.

Verse 3: 

Hands that were clasped are now opened

Arms that were folded now enfold others

Expressions filled with anger now soften to smiles

As love & grace & peace enter in

                                        ANCHOR     Rebecca Martin

Verse 1: 

Waves are pounding Lord I’m drowning

I’m being swept far out to sea.

The storm is swirling, I am whirling, in confusion & pain


But God is my anchor.   My rescue & savior.   

He alone can deliver me.  My God has delivered me.


Lord save me is my desperate cry- As one more wave crashes over me.

Will I make it? Does He care?  I am gasping just for air

Questions pound as hard as waves. 

No time to find the answer I must fight to survive.

Then by a miracle God’s own hand reaches down gently lifts me to safety

The boat is destroyed & much is lost I will never be the same again

But I realize the worst is over now & God has been in the storm with me.


Verse 2:

Through every trial He has faithfully carried me

Even when I was sure my ship had sunk

Storms have abounded but through every trial  

God has always brought back the sun

                                    Sacrifice             Rebecca Martin

Verse 1:

Unseen & unknown     Always putting others first

You think their needs are more important 

Keep giving til there’s nothing left to give.

Verse 2:             

Stuff the feelings down inside

Whatever you do don’t let them see you cry

Hold it all together as you silently die

Pre-chorus (A):

You’re strong for those around you-Who will be strong for you?

You give it all for others, who will give it all for you?


Be open, be true to all the feelings inside of you

You are worth it, you are precious, your life is important too

God loves you so much more than you imagine, He’s for you

He gave all to save you, it’s not your job to save the world

He saved the world.                               (I can’t save the world)

Pre-Chorus (B)

He’s strong for those around you

Will you let Him be strong for you?

He gave it all for others, will you give it all for Him?

                                                    Choices Rebecca Martin

Verse 1: 

One choice  will change a future story

One word can change a destiny

One hope can heal the past mistakes

And heal the wounds that run so deep


Choose for yourself who you will follow

Be it man or God or self

One day you’ll stand before your maker

And your choices will be evident


What will they say about you someday?

Did your actions match your words? Are you proud of who you were? (2x)

Verse 2: 

Will your choice improve a future story

Will your word inspire a destiny

Will your hope in the One worth hoping in

Be the reason others chose to hope in too?

Chorus 2:

Your choices determine what they will say

May your actions match your words so you’ll be proud of who you were


  1. Thank you Rebecca for sharing your gift of music. I enjoyed your first album and wasn't sure I would like the second one as well. I think I might like it more! I find myself singing your songs throughout the day and I often wake up with one of them running through my head. They are powerful! Bless your for sharing your gift!


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