Come to Family Night!


If there is anything that covid stole from us that we need to take back it's just being together and building relationships. I can't think of a better way of doing this than around a table sharing a good meal for those of us who are part of SMC. This is a great opportunity to reconnect and catch up on a regular basis. While I believe the Sunday mornings are very important and worshiping together is essential for our spiritual health, there must be more and that's where family night comes in.

The church is not a building or a business it is a spiritual family of people who know and love each other. But just like a biological family if you never see each other, knowing and loving each other is difficult. Family nights attempt to make seeing each other easy, but there is another element that makes family night even better and I've seen several people over the years do this.

 I believe there is no more non-threatening way to invite people into the church then on family night. I have seen people come in and enjoy our food and fellowship and be welcomed in a powerful way by our church family. This is why I believe it can be one of our best outreaches and my hope is you can see that too.

My challenge is for you to prayerfully consider two things: first, that you would make family night of priority and that you would attend regularly just to reconnect. Then I would also challenge you to consider if there our friends you could invite to join us.

 Here is what needs to happen: we need to have everyone sign up the Sunday before so our food committee knows there will be a minimum of 20 people attending and then they can have plenty of excellent food for everyone to share. Please mark your calendar for these nights and especially the fellowship nights as those are evenings that the only program is to catch up with each other and connect. I hope you will join us and bring all the people God is prompting you to bring to join our families together for the glory of God and building His kingdom in love!

Here's what’s coming up…

Feb. 16 – Holy Wed Game is a rip off of the old newly wed game and is a good time to laugh together and maybe win a free cruise for two… maybe… come and see!

March 2 – Fellowship Night is when we just hang out together. Kick back after a good meal and just share the end of the day with the person across the table. There will also be Men’s and Women’s Prayer rooms to intercede for each other.

March 23 – Pinewood Derby, for over 50 years SMC has raced these little cars down the track-come for the speed way fun and see who will be the big winner!

April 6 – Fellowship Night is basically the same as March 2, but hopefully warmer ;)

April 20 – Church Clean Up Night (start at 6:pm) is when we do to the church building what you do to your home every spring! There will be something for everyone to do and pizza (Lord willing) to share as well.


Any questions just talk to one of our friendly Wednesday Evening committee members:

Jane Kalina, Ruth Reifsnyder, Linda Myers, Roxie Ramseyer, Justin Smith and Todd

Martin-we hope to see you at the next Family night :)


