A good question and a great answer...


I really appreciate the on going update from the Christian Aid Ministries websitehttps://christianaidministries.org/updates/haiti-staff-abduction/ ) here is an excerpt that I found exceptionally good-bolding is by me, Todd M.

 Recent media attention has focused on the kidnapping of our workers and loved ones, but a civil society group reports that 600 kidnappings in Haiti were recorded from January to September 2021, compared with 231 over the same period last year. While fasting and praying, we encourage you to remember others who are being held hostage as well as those recovering from the experience of being kidnapped.


Occasionally we are asked why our workers were in Haiti. Why travel to dangerous places? Why not let these countries take care of their own issues? These are good questions which deserve an answer.


We live in a very broken world. A world of broken relationships, broken trust, and broken political systems. It is a world of loneliness, fear, and violence. And Jesus came, not just so men could go to heaven when they die, but also to show the kind of a world God intends right here on earth.


God desires a world where the hungry are fed, abandoned orphans are cared for, and where lonely refugees are provided for. Jesus came to redeem this broken world, and has called His church to work with Him. We go to places like Haiti because we have found Jesus and His teachings to be the answer for our own lives and we want others to enjoy the joy, peace, and redemption we have experienced in the kingdom of God.


We travel to Haiti to help, but we can always return to our comfortable lifestyles here in the United States. But many in Haiti do not have this luxury. In their current lawless situation, where anarchy reigns, Haitians live under constant fear. They have no way to escape. For many, every trip to the market is overshadowed by the continual threat of violence. As we continue to pray earnestly for our American staff, we also encourage fervent prayer for the Haitian people.
