God and Country


I have been blessed since March of 2020 to bring God’s Word to our local AM then FM Country music station 104.5 WQKT. There are no other Gospel preachers on that station and I feel God has opened this door of outreach for us. I’m still getting feed back from people who say they listen on their way home from work, on their way to the barn, or just relaxing at home at 7:am on Sundays. I know of one faithful bed ridden listener who reports to his aunt every Sunday about the message and asks her if she was listening too.

I love that we have the ability to reach into the homes, cars and milking parlors all over Wayne county and share the Bible’s life changing message. This has happened and continues by the grace of God and the generous investment of those who believe in what we are doing. I have been so encouraged by so many who have given faithfully.

Now we are at the next point of discernment. Our funding ends as of Sept. 26. I was afraid, like everything else right now, our cost would go up but WQKT is glad to keep us at $250/week. Between now and then I will be seeking another $6500 in pledges to carry us through March of 2022 (our 2 year anniversary of being on the air!). If we hit that goal we will continue, if not we will end our broadcasts. I know WQKT will continue to give their listeners country music-I hope we can give them God too! Please pray with me and if you feel so led to give toward the goal.

Any comments or questions let me know as we discern together!



  1. as of 9/12 we are roughly half way to our goal in pledges

  2. sorry for the late update-we are fully funded through March of 2022-THANK YOU!


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