Sign Sermon Warehouse


Sign Sermons Warehouse    

What follows is my entire Sign Sermon "warehouse". First is the Master List which is what I draw off of to put signs out every week. They are arranged by month and you can probably figure out why the cold months have shorter sermons and the warm months have longer ;)

Then comes Topical List, these are for special occasions/Holidays. I would really like to see this list expand with Easter, Christmas and Mother's day. There are A LOT of cliches out there that are just way over used-fresh words needed!

Finally there is the Alphabetized List. This is purely organizational and helps me not repeat sermons. This should help you not send me ones I already have. You'll also notice there are numbers in some of the sermons. This is the letter/space count for when I put them up so I know they fit. Remember only 20 spaces per line and only 2 or 3 lines per side.  

Thanks for your interest in this outreach-let me know if you have any inspiration to share :)            





Come as you are –leave better.

Don’t spend time –invest it.

We have what you need.

God knows.

Hope lives here.

Hurt people hurt people.

It’s all God’s money.

It’s always funny –till it’s you.

Prayer goes where we/you can’t.




Jesus cares.

You are not an accident.

Jesus saves.

Jesus will change you for good.

No trials no triumph. 

Of  two evils –chose neither.

 The devil wants you –dead.

Progress not perfection.

He that has patience 20 has what he will 16

Be wiser than others 20 but never tell them 19





Sin splatters.

Stormy seas make 17 steady sailors.14

This life is not 17 all there is. 13

God wants 10 all of you.10

To listen 10 is to love. 10

Who are you 11 becoming?

Trust Jesus.

What people conceal 19 God reveals.



Where God guides God provides.

You are saved to serve.

You can be Jesus’ family.

You can’t hide from God.

His pain –our gain.

Religon is do –Christianity is done.

Sin is the cancer –Christ is the cure.

You won’t be too busy to die.

Leave it all in the 19 hands that were 16 wounded for you. 15

Not all superheroes 19 wear capes-Mine 15 wore a cross

Worry is a misuse 17 of imagination. 15

God woke you up 16 today for a reason 18 figure it out 13


Attractions are unavoidable –actions aren’t.

Wise men learn by others harms, fools by their own

Coincidence is God working anonymously.

Only God gives life –only God should take it.

Direction is more important than speed.

Nothing is learned from the second kick of a mule.

Swallowing pride never choked anyone.

Revenge restrained is victory gained.

Learn 5 from bad examples 15 or become one 15

Someone else is 15 happy with less 15 than what you have 18



Faith makes things possible not easy.

Someday all you will have is what you gave to God.

Gossip is the devil’s radio.

The 10 commandment aren’t multiple choice.

The best mirror is a good friend.

The danger of a little sin is it won’t stay that way.

Truth fears nothing but concealment.

We are pro-life from the womb to the tomb.

It’s not a choice 16-it’s a child. 12

Truth doesn’t hurt 18 –unless it ought to. 18

God can make your 17 mess, his message 16



Freedom always comes with responsibilities.

Freedom is not the 18 right to do what you 20 want but the chance 20 to do what is right  19

Small deeds done are 20 better than great 18 deeds planned 13

All sunshine makes a desert. 

If someone else’s grass looks -greener water your own yard.

Learn from failure or fail to learn.

There are no born again orphans –come be God’s family.

Cheese is always free –on a mouse trap.

We often learn patience through pain.

Eternity is a long time to be wrong.



 You may give without 20 loving but you can’t 19 love without giving 19

Arguing with a fool 19 proves there are two. 20

 God woke you up 16 today for a reason 18 figure it out 13


You are who you are 20 when no one 11 is looking.

An eye for an eye 17 leaves the world blind. 22

Contentment is not 18 having all you want 19 but wanting all you 19 have.

God wants 9 spiritual fruit 14-not religious nuts. 18

Turn your wounds 16 into wisdom.

What difference 15 does Jesus make 16 in your life?

What if God is asking you for a sign?

We love the sinner 18, hate the sin and 17, get blamed for both 20





Try again-this time with God 18

You lack nothing 16 –use what I gave you 18-God NEW

God says wait 14 but never worry 16

Faith connects our 18 weakness to 11 God’s strength 13

People see what 16 we do–God sees why 17

Temper gets you 15 in trouble –pride 16 keeps you there. 15

If it’s not God’s way  18 it’s not God’s will. 16

God promises 12 a safe landing 14 not a smooth flight. 19

First we form habits 20 then habits form us. 19

God’s boundaries keep 20 us in the borders 17 of God’s blessings 16

The law says don’t 17, love says don’t 14 want to




Life is not fair 16 but God is good. 15

Don’t be so open minded that your brains fall out.

(Most of the time 16)Sometimes 10 the healing hurts. 17

Always put off till tomorrow what you shouldn’t do today.

Beliefs are judged 18 by the actions 15 they produce.

Worry doesn’t empty tomorrow of sorrow but today of joy.

Are you running 100 mph –in the wrong direction?

Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain-and most do.

The true measure 16 of love, is sacrifice. 20

For every sin satan, is ready to provide, an excuse.-oct



The closer to the 18 shepherd the further 20 from the wolf 14

Every saint has 14 a past, every sinner 20 has a future. 13

As you judge 12 you will be judged. 17 –Jesus

Come to me all 15 who are weary 13-I will give you rest. 20 –Jesus

Be the change you want to see.

Our biggest 12 obstacles are God’s 19 best opportunities. 18

Often we see our sin 20 in others first. 15

Those who don’t 14 thank for little 18 won’t thank for much. 19

Gratitude is a sign of Godliness.

Thankfulness is the, beginning of, happiness.

What if you woke up, 19 today with only what, 20 you thanked God, 15 for yesterday? 14

Thankfulness is the 19 soil where joy grows. 20

 Be thankful for all 20  the troubles 12 you don’t have. 13

Be thankful, thorns have roses.

Thankfulness , creates contentment, that produces peace.



All we want for Christmas is your presence

Jesus was born so we could be born again

Never fear Jesus is here.

Mary Christ’s mom. TM

Mary wrapped the first Christmas gift

The real St. Nick loved Jesus

What are you getting, Jesus for his birthday?

What did you get Jesus for his birthday

Do you know who’s 16 birthday is on Christmas?




Those who don’t 14 thank for little 18 won’t thank for much. 19

Gratitude is a sign of Godliness.

Thankfulness is the, beginning of, happiness.

What if you woke up, 19 today with only what, 20 you thanked God, 15 for yesterday? 14

Thankfulness is the 19 soil where joy grows. 20

 Be thankful for all 20  the troubles 12 you don’t have. 13

Be thankful, thorns have roses.

Thankfulness , creates contentment, that produces peace.



All we want for Christmas is your presence

Jesus was born so we could be born again

Never fear Jesus is here.

Mary Christ’s mom. TM

Mary wrapped the first Christmas gift

The real St. Nick loved Jesus

What are you getting Jesus for his birthday?

What did you get Jesus for his birthday


His pain –our gain.

Religion is do –Christianity is done.

Sin is the cancer –Christ is the cure. #118

Leave it all in the 19 hands that were 16 wounded for you. 15

Not all superheroes 19 wear capes-Mine 15 wore a cross


Mother’s Day


Life don’t come with 19 a manual, it comes 18 with a mother.

Nothing is really 17 lost until your mom 19 can’t find it.

The phrase 12 working mother 15 is redundant. 12


In Memory

Death ends a life 16 not a love. 10

No calamity 12 is beyond 10 God’s sovereignty. 18

Pray for all 12 who love ________




All sunshine makes a desert.  -jul

Always put off till tomorrow what you shouldn’t do today. -oct

An eye for an eye leaves the world blind. –aug

Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain-and most do. -oct

Are you running 100 mph –in the wrong direction? -oct

As you judge you will be judged. –Jesus -nov

 Attractions are unavoidable –actions aren’t. TM –may


Be thankful for all, the troubles, you don’t have. -nov

Be thankful, thorns have roses. -nov

Be the change you want to see. –nov

Be wiser than others 20 but never tell them 19 -feb

Beliefs are judged by the actions they produce. -oct

Bitterness consumes the vessel that contains it.  -feb

 Cheese is always free –on a mouse trap. -jul

Coincidence is God working anonymously. -may

Come as you are –leave better.  -jan

Come to me all who are weary-I will give you rest. –Jesus -nov

Contentment is not having all you want but wanting all you have. -aug

Death ends a life not a love. TM –in memory

 Direction is more important than speed. GS  -may

Don’t be so open minded that your brains fall out. -oct

Don’t spend time –invest it. -jan

Eternity is a long time to be wrong. -jul

Every prayer is answered. -feb

Every problem has a purpose. -apr

Every saint has a past every sinner has a future. -nov

Faith makes things possible not easy. -jun

Faith connects our weakness to God’s strength -sep

First we form habits then habits form us. GS –sep

For every sin satan, is ready to provide, an excuse.-oct

 Forgive to be forgiven. -Jesus  -jan

Forgiveness is free –trust is earned. -feb

Freedom always comes with responsibilities. –jul

Freedom is not the 18 right to do what you 20 want but the chance 20 to do what is right  19-jul

God can make your 17 mess, his message 16-jun

God is never 12 predictable but  16 always reliable 16 NEW

God knows. TM -jan

God promises a safe landing not a smooth flight. GS/TM -sep

God says wait but never worry -sep

God wants all of you. TM -mar

God wants spiritual fruit-not religious nuts. –aug

God woke you up 16 today for a reason 18 figure it out 13 Apr

God’s boundaries keep us in the borders of God’s blessings. TM -sep

Gossip is the devil’s radio. –jun

He that has patience 20 has what he will 16 -feb

Hope lives here. TM -jan

Hurt people hurt people. -jan

If someone else’s grass looks -greener water your own yard. -jul

If the devil can’t make you bad he’ll make you busy. -mar

If it’s not God’s way it’s not God’s will. –sep

Ignorance and 13 arrogance are 13 inseparable TM-NEW

It’s all God’s money. -jan

It’s always funny –till it’s you. TM –jan

It’s not too late to 19 start over with God 19 NEW

It’s not a choice 16-it’s a child. 12

Jesus knows me this I love. -mar

Jesus cares. -feb

Jesus saves. -feb

Jesus will change you for good. -feb

Know where sinners go? To church! TM

Learn 5 from bad examples 15 or become one 15

Learn from failure or fail to learn. -feb

Leave it all in the 19 hands that were 16 wounded for you. 15

Life doesn’t need to be perfect to be beautiful. -mar

Life’s not fair but God is good. TM –oct



No trials no triumph.  -feb

Not all superheroes 19 wear capes-Mine 15 wore a cross- Apr/Easter

Nothing is learned from the second kick of a mule. -may

Of two evils –chose neither.  - feb

Often we see our sin in others first. TM -nov

Only God gives life –only God should take it. TM -may

Our greatest obstacles are God’s greatest opportunities. –nov.

People see what we do –God sees why. –sep

Prayer goes where we can’t. –Lyle’s Dad-jan

Progress not perfection. -feb

Revenge restrained is victory gained. -may

Roe v. Wade is not a milestone but a gravestone. GS


Sin splatters. TM -mar

Slavery to the compass gives freedom on the seas. GS

Small deeds done are 20 better than great 18 deeds planned 13-jul

Someday all you will have is what you gave to God. GS –jun

Someone else is 15 happy with less 15 than what you have 18

Sometimes the healing hurts. TM -oct

Stormy seas make steady sailors. -mar

Swallowing pride never choked anyone. -may

Temper gets you in trouble –pride keeps you there. –sep

Thankfulness , creates contentment, that produces peace. -nov

Thankfulness is the, beginning of, happiness-nov

Thankfulness, is the soil where, joy grows. -nov

The best mirror is a good friend. –jun

The closer to the 18 shepherd the further 20 from the wolf 14 -nov

The danger of a little sin is it won’t stay that way. -jun

The devil wants you –dead. TM –feb

The law says don’t 17, love says don’t 14 want to -sep

The 10 commandment aren’t multiple choice. –jun

The true measure of love, is sacrifice. -oct

There are no born again orphans –come be God’s family. -jul

This is the perfect church –for those who aren’t. -jan

This life is not all there is. -mar

Those who gossip to you will gossip about you. -jun

To listen is to love. –mar

Truth doesn’t hurt 18 –unless it ought to. 18 -jun

Truth fears nothing but concealment. GS -jun

Trust Jesus. -mar

Truth doesn’t hurt –unless it ought to. GS

God woke you up 16 today for a reason 18 figure it out 13 NEW

Try again-this time with God NEW

Turn your wounds into wisdom. -aug

We are pro-life from the womb to the tomb -jun

We have what you need. TM –aug

We love the sinner 18, hate the sin and 17, get blamed for both 20

We often learn patience through pain. TM -jul

We often see our sins in others first. -feb

What difference does Jesus make in your life? TM -aug

What if God is asking you for a sign? –aug

What if you woke up, today with only what, you thanked God, for yesterday? -nov

What people conceal God reveals. -mar

Where God guides God provides -mar

Where your treasure is your heart will be. –Jesus -may

Who are you becoming? TM -mar

Who I set free is free indeed. –Jesus -jul

Wise men learn by others harms, fools by their own -B. Franklin -may

Worry doesn’t empty tomorrow of sorrow but today of joy. -oct

Worry is a misuse of imagination. –GS-Apr

 Worry is praying to yourself. -mar

 You are never alone. -jan

 You are not an accident. –feb

You are saved to serve. -apr

You are what you are when no one is looking. -aug

 You can be forgiven. -feb

You can be Jesus’ family. –apr


You can’t hide from God.  -apr

You can’t serve God and money. –Jesus -may

You get -to give. –apr

You lack nothing –use what I gave you-God NEW

You may give without 20 loving but you can’t 19 love without giving 19-aug

You will be recognized by your fruit -Jesus

 You will live forever –but where? -jan

You won’t be too busy to die.

 You’ve been blessed to be a blessing. –jan  #145 as of 5.18.21


