Remember the Munsterites!


The year was 1534, a bunch of rowdy Anabaptist Christians in Munster Germany got whipped up by their zealously religious leader and attempted to over throw the local government-violently-and they did. This was to establish the kingdom of God on earth-or so they thought. It was a sick and shameful disaster.

Greater government forces later came and crushed the rebellion and killed the leaders. They put the leaders’ bodies in cages and hung them from the church steeple. The cages are still there today. Among the dead and misguided rebels was Peter Simons, Menno Simons brother. Menno was impacted by this tragic event and we should be too.

Menno later organized what would become the Mennonite church from which we claim our confession of faith. One of the key distinctives of our faith is the rejection of violence (Matt. 5:38-40). Another is the clear separation of church and state (Matt.22:16-22). These two Jesus based principles undergird our deeply held belief in our love of enemy (Matt.5:43-48).

In this season of political upheaval, it would be good for us to remember what we’ve already learned 400 years ago. The kingdom of God was established by Jesus through an act of loving sacrifice-not violent opposition to the state. And His kingdom continues to grow through the Church, the very body of Christ consisting of believers the world over. Nations will rise and fall-but the loving, eternal kingdom of Jesus will have no end.

This is close to the center and hope of our shared faith. I pray God’s peace will prevail in our hearts, minds and spirits as we seek to be faithful to our only and eternal king Jesus.



  1. Thank you Todd! It's so clear that the Holy Spirit continues to work in you to keep gently and lovingly speaking truth and peace in this divisive and challenging time. Your words soothe my heart.

  2. Thanks Katie! Pray that I can carefully balance love and truth for the glory of God ;)


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