Welcome Back! (and glad you are here… an open invitation to 18 to 20 somethings).



To our college students who have come home for break-welcome home! I can’t imagine the weirdness of the last few months on your campus’. I’ve talked to a few of you and there has been a whole range of experiences from fun to frustrating. I’m thrilled you are home and hope your time here is restful and refreshing.

To those who have been local I’m glad you are here. You are balancing jobs, relationships and even some local college studies and all that is a challenge as well. Thanks for being at SMC and doing ministry with us year-round.

For this strange season of ministry I wanted you to be aware of ways that are available for you connect with each other. Adult Sunday school continues to meet at 9:30 am on Sunday morning. You are welcome to use the room beside the nursery (known as the Real life room) to get together.

Over the years various approaches to Sunday school have been done. Currently we are providing the space and time so you can connect. The room is safe for up to 6 to 8 people if you spread out and wear masks. Bigger space could be found if it is needed for that time-just let me know.

Most of you have been in Sunday school most of your lives and have different experiences and opinions of how it has and should be done and that’s good. Now is your time to make it what you want it to be. Adult classes tend to manage themselves while knowing there is a budget for resources. That said if you have needs let me know.

Other ideas of how, when and where ministry can happen with you have been floated over the last few months by people who want to support your age group. I’m sure you have ideas of your own and if you want to share them with each other and grow this ministry together it would be great. If you would like others to help we are ready to do that as well.*

These next few weeks are a precious time of celebration and reunion with family and friends. Whatever we as a church can do to help you stay connected to Jesus and each other we want to do. I hope you have good times of finding each other and being at home with SMC-I’m so glad all of you are here!

*On Sunday Dec.13 a simple meal will be served after our worship time for all young adults that want to spend some time together in the wing.
