P90 -the Winter Bible Intensive for 2021

What do you pray when you don’t know what to pray? What do you sing when songs don’t make sense? God in His infinite wisdom has given us in His Word poetic and powerful words of praise and prayer. They have been used by God’s people for thousands of years to express what we need to when we can’t find the words on our own.

One lie the devils whispers so sweetly in our ears is “you can’t say that to God-it’s too rude, too raw, he doesn’t want to hear that-and no one else does either” the other lie, that is even more destructive is this: “you are all alone in this-no one has ever been there before-no one understands” The Psalms stand and sing in defiance to these lies-forever.


The Psalms in 90 days (P90) is a Bible reading and study adventure I’d like to invite you on starting December 28, 2020 and running thru March 21, 2021. Over that time we will read the book of Psalms together and study it in depth. The sermons preached every Sunday morning at SMC will come from the texts that are scheduled to be read that week.

On Sunday nights those who wish to go into deeper study can join our group at 7:30 to 9:pm in the social room. All are welcome to come and share the wisdom and insights we gain as we go thru these texts together. This is the reading calander we will follow (dates are in bold, chapter range is separated with a dash).

January 3, Psalms 1-17  +10, 18-29 +17, 30-41 +24, 42-52 +31, 53-73

February 7, 74-89 +14, 90-106 +21, 107-118 +28, 119

March 7, 120-132  +14, 133-140 +21, 141-150


In order to be prepared for the sermon and or study time on Jan. 3 it’s recommended to start reading December 28 so you can go at a pace that is not rushed. You can spread the readings out over the weeks as your morning devotions or evening Biblical night cap. These readings will take us thru the ups and downs of following and worshipping God with the words of the Jews ancient song book. There is a blessing waiting for all who take this adventure together-join us!

Here is some music to enhance your time in Psalms:

 The Offical Soundtrack for this Sermon series
