Communion Confusion

                                                        Communion Confusion

In a 24 hour period I had 2 people talk to me in tears. The first questioned whether they should attend worship that coming Sunday. They had fallen into sin that week and though they had confessed it (admitted to God and others this was sin) and repented of it (taken steps to make things right and move in a different direction) they still felt totally unworthy. Isn’t it hypocritical to come to worship after you sin? Doesn’t your sin make you dirty in the eyes of God? How can I come before a holy God and be worthy to give Him praise? I responded that if everyone who sinned in the last week didn’t come to worship-no one would show up-myself included! If you want a quick refresher on who Jesus sees as a worthy worshipper check out  Thankfully they came to worship.

Then a person approached me about communion coming up and felt they probably shouldn’t take it because of their lack of faith-they are struggling to believe in Jesus through a tough time. They don’t feel worthy to take the bread and the cup. I responded this is exactly when you should take communion! I hope this person takes communion.

 This Sunday in communion we remember what Jesus did for us-not what we do for Him! In communion we are reminded of His sacrifice for us that pays the price for our sins, doubts and lack of faith. Even if our faith falters-His does not-He believes in you! Communion is a celebration of what Jesus did for us-unworthy as we all are-He still had His body broken and blood shed for us. If you have trusted Jesus as your Lord and Savior don’t let the devil shame you into skipping communion-you are who it’s for!

All that said there are legit reasons to not take communion-if you don’t have a relationship with Jesus or are uncertain you should abstain. Jesus offered the first communion to His disciples and that is who it is for. At the same time this is a perfect moment to open your heart to Jesus. If before or during the service you commit your life to Him all the better-join in! There are also reasons of conviction for the believer-if there is a conflict with God or a sister or brother and you feel that needs to be handled first-you should probably not take it. Jesus tells us we should not even give our offerings before we attend to conflicts (Matt. 5:24)-and that rolls around every Sunday! Consider what Jesus is prompting you to do before you take communion or even worship-and do it!
