I’m starting a new sermon
series that will involve an element in my preaching that I’ve never used
before-here is my explanation of the who, what and why of it all-hopefully it
helps… this by the way is the intro you will hear for the first sermon in the
series on July 7th.
Before I even begin I need to start
explaining a few things since over the next several messages I’m doing
something I’ve never done before. For the last 33 years I have taught and
preached from one version of the Bible-NIV 1984 edition. It’s what I trust and
am most familiar with. Most of you know my issues with the current 2011
revision of the NIV and my quest for a new version to teach and preach with
since the NIV84 is out of print (though it remains available on line). I began
reading different versions 2 ½ years ago and the first one I read was The Message.
The main reason I did was all the insight we got as people would read it in our Winter Bible Intensive (WBI). That 3 month study is greatly enriched by the variety of versions we read
PLEASE UNDERSTAND: there are many
accurate and authoritative versions of the Bible. I still love the KJV-the
Lord’s prayer for us, John 3:16 and the 23rd Psalm will always be
with me in KJV. Since 1611 the KJV we, as English readers, have been blessed
with many versions in which to read God’s word.
The thing I noticed about The
Message in our WBI was in certain books the meaning became so clear, as the
language was so fresh that it literally opened our eyes to the message God had
for us. So The Message was the first Bible I read cover to cover in my quest.
In the process I read the book of 1 Corinthians-and here again the clarity was
profound. As we move thru this series I will be very interested in your
feedback as to how this version sounds to you. I want to encourage you to grab
a Message bible and dig into it over this series (I have a small collection of
them if you want one-let me know). If you like you’re current version of the
Bible and you really don’t want to read anything else that’s ok too-just know I
will be preaching from the Message for the next few weeks.
So what is The Message? It’s a Bible that was translated by Pastor, Bible
scholar and author Eugene Peterson. There are oodles of Navpress videos on
youtube of him explaining who he is and why he wrote this translation so I would
recommend you look those up and hear it straight from him-if my explanation isn’t
Here’s my take: he wanted a bible
the average person in the pew could read and understand-and he originally wrote
it for his congregation he pastored for 29 years! He also explains that the Greek
and Hebrew languages that most of the Bible is written in was the conversational
language of the day. Nobody had to go to the library or consult a scholar to know
what the author meant-the meaning was plain b/c the
language was plain-this is the hope I have for everyone who reads the
Bible-that they would not be confused but clarified by
the very words of God.
We are not Muslims who believe their
holy book the Quran can only be read in the original language of Arabic or it is
corrupt. For centuries Christians have translated God’s word into a language
God’s people can understand. In fact, this is the whole reason Wycliffe Bible
translators exists-to give people the Bible in the language they understand! Eugene Peterson died last year, but he’s left us 35 books and this transalation-that’s how he referred to it-he believed the Message was not his book-rather it’s God’s book-and so it is.
As a side note, I find it good to try and
address concerns before they become problems, so just in case, here’s one let’s
deal with. A controversy was created when Peterson was reported to have
expressed support for same-sex marriage, which had been endorsed by his
denomination, the Presbyterian Church (USA), in an interview published in Religion
News Service on 12 July 2017. He denied saying this the following day and
further clarified his position by stating:
“Recently a reporter asked me
whether my personal opinions about homosexuality and same-sex marriage have
changed over the years. I presume I was asked this question because of my
former career as a pastor in the Presbyterian Church (USA), which recently affirmed
homosexuality and began allowing its clergy to perform same-sex weddings.
Having retired from the pastorate more than 25 years ago, I acknowledged to the
reporter that I "haven't had a lot of experience with it." To
clarify, I affirm a biblical view of marriage: one man to one woman. I affirm a
biblical view of everything.”
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