Saturate Smithville!

Awhile back a dear saint here at SMC made me aware of the organization called SATURATE USA and I went to their website. They have a vision to empower every church in the USA to saturate their communities with the Good News of Jesus. I would suggest that you stop reading this and go watch the video at and you can skip the next paragraph!

The way they do this is simple. Churches contact them with their zip code and SATURATE USA sends the church the Jesus movie DVD*, a CRU (campus crusade) Gospel tract (how to know Jesus) and a door hanger bag for every house in that zip code—for free! For Smithville it’s 940. They also welcome churches to put in brochures about ministry and other stuff** to reach our town.

So here is my challenge to you—Lord willing on March 20th the MYF will be assembling the 940 packets and they should be ready to go that night—would you consider helping distribute these packets? My goal is to saturate Smithville before Easter! The whole town will be mapped out and I just need joyful, helpful people to hit the road and hang the packets—is this you? Our launch date is tentatively set for Sunday, March 24 at 3:00 p.m.—we will see how many homes we can saturate that afternoon!

I also want people who will be praying as we go out—so if door to door isn’t your thing perhaps knee to floor is! Would you pray for those who will be out planting the seeds of love all over our town? If you know Jesus you want others to know him too and this is a way to do that. Door to door—pray for the teams and homes to be reached. I hope everyone will do what they can to saturate Smithville with Jesus!

*The Jesus movie is the most widely distributed and watched movie in the world—since it was made in 1979 over 5 billion people have seen it and an estimated 500 million souls have been saved through its message of Jesus’ love.

In 1999, the story of Jesus for children was added then in 2007 Magdalena: Released from
Shame was added as well to the collection. These two films bring the Jesus film message
wonderfully for kids and women. All three are on this DVD in 8 translations of the most
common languages spoken in the USA—so everyone can hear the good news in their native

**Our Family Life Pastor Justin, has created ministry brochures and a sweet little SMC
magnet for each packet—you will see the brochures around and should have some to hand to
anyone who needs a church family—they will be in your church mailbox and you can have
more—just ask!
