This is a big deal... EASTER EVENTS GALORE

                                                     Snap shots from the Via Dolarosa

What if you knew how and even when you were going to die? Now, what if you knew who would be responsible for your death-and in fact helped it happen-would you try to avoid it? would you seek to stop it-or those plotting it out?

This was the case with Jesus-he knew it all along-from his birth there were indicators that death was a part of his life and he knew it all along. But he didn’t avoid it-he talked about it. he didn’t try to stop it-in fact he move decisively toward it and as far as the people plotting it out-he faced them with courage and even love.

There is so much to the Easter story I suppose I could preach a year just on it alone-but for now I’ll just do snap shots from the Via Dolarosa-this is the way of the cross. This is a walk you can take thru the old city of Jerusalem-pilgrims do it when you go to the holy land. You can  retrace the very foot steps of Jesus as he carried his cross. But the way of the cross really started before Jesus actually physically carried the cross-he was carrying it in his heart first-with a love that drove him to it.

Have you ever found a drawer or folder on your computer that has old photos that you had pushed aside and forgot about? Then you find them and you realize they are precious. They had just been tucked away too long. I found some scriptural snap shots that I haven’t preached on for a long time, maybe ever. And they are precious.  So lets look at some snap shots from the Via Dolorosa every Sunday (and more on Holy Week-see below) -the way of the cross...

Easter events to come... HERE THEY ARE! 

Holy Week Events 2023

More snapshots from the Via Dolorosa


A Night to Remember

Thursday, April 6 at 6:00 p.m.: Join us for a time to remember the last supper! Jesus shared a meal and timeless words and actions we will celebrate together. At the meal variety of soups will be served. Please bring a dish according to the first letter of your last name: A-L: Fruit Tray, M-P: Veggie Tray, Q-Z: Bread. Sign up at the welcome table. Following the meal will be open communion and foot washing. All are encouraged to participate or observe as you feel led. This celebration usually takes around an hour.


Trail of Easter

Friday, April 7 - Saturday, April 8: The “Trail of Easter” provides a fun way for individuals and families to experience an Easter activity that takes place from the convenience of your own vehicle.  Pick up a flyer on the Welcome table for your friends and family that will help guide you as you make your way through the “Trail of Easter.”


Torn - Good Friday Experiences

Friday, April 7 at SMC and various locations.  Why do we call this Good Friday?  We remember on this day our perfect, sinless savior died for us and opened the way of salvation for all who follow Him.  We have an intense witness to this moment on our cross by 585.  This is an extreme adventure we will offer this year again on April 7 between 3:00 - 6:00 p.m.  Those men, both younger and older who wish to, can come and hang on the cross for 20 minutes at a time. Sign-up is on the cross in the foyer.  We also have a witness with those who stand by the cross representing those who looked upon Jesus with love-men, women and children are welcome to do this as well.  Those who wish to do this should sync their time with those on the cross.


The other opportunity we have to experience this day in a powerful way is to watch the movie, The Passion of the Christ.  This movie will be shown in homes throughout the day.  Sign-up sheets with times and locations are at the Welcome table.  It should be noted this is rated R for intense violence.  I would not recommend this for kids under 13.  It’s a hard thing to see but is shows what Jesus went through for us and why in the end what happened that day was indeed for our good.


What Death Can’t Kill - A Sad Saturday Service

Saturday, April 8 in the SMC Youth Wing at 6:30 p.m.  One of the best things about following Jesus is knowing that He beat death.  We are here today because we know He left the tomb on Easter Sunday-never to return.  This allows us to see beyond the grave and set our hope on heaven. 


But here’s the rub.  He had to die before he could be raised.  In the same way unless He comes first we too will die, but the hardest thing is that others we love and have loved will die. Christians have funerals, graveyards and grieve.  We are not immune to death’s distraction.


I find it a powerful comfort that those who loved Jesus deeply and mourned for him bravely after He was killed were captured in scripture.  Their actions not only give us permission to actively grieve but point to the reality of Jesus’ resurrection was directly connected to those who mourned his death and cared for his body lovingly. This service will last roughly an hour and is specially designed for those who are grieving but all are welcome.



Easter Sunday-A Celebration of Jesus’ Resurrection!

Sunday, April 9 all are welcome to join us for as much of the day as you wish. Starting with:

 6:30 a.m. Sonrise Service- Come to the North entrance to get your script and candle lit to walk out to our graveyard, singing songs and reading a poetic version of the resurrection story-then hopefully see the sunrise but definitely make a memory kids will never forget!


8:30 a.m. Carry-in Breakfast-join us for a hearty breakfast –sign up to share in the effort at the welcome table


  9:30 a.m. Hymn Sing in the sanctuary –get your favorite hymns sung-or go to the wing for Children’s Easter Egg Hunt-with a story and candy of course


10:30 a.m. Worship Service-come celebrate our risen Savior and Lord!


7:00 p.m. Campfire – a wilder time of worship, Easter style! Someone will win a 1 lb Reese bunny-come and see!







